There are people in this day and age that think shinji is a bad character

>there are people in this day and age that think shinji is a bad character

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He's a boring generic real robot protagonist with no outstanding traits.

When even the creator seems to ignore him, you know that he’s a bad character.

>there are people

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He is "bad" in the sense he is selfish and flawed. He's actually excellently written

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Shinji isn't a much of a character to begin with. More like a bunch of tropes and loose ideas put together by a savant child who has no real understanding of the human soul.
Satoshi from Pokemon feels much more human and he's just the protagonist of a kid show.

>Shinji isn't a much of a character to begin with. More like a bunch of tropes and loose ideas put together by a savant child who has no real understanding of the human soul.
>He's a boring generic real robot protagonist with no outstanding traits

How am I supposed to take these posts seriously?

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damn, you're cool for using the japanese name

>>How am I supposed to take these posts seriously?
But taking a deep introspective look at yourself and realizing you don't know shit about anime.

What makes Shinji so good then?

How does that constitute excellent writing? Seems lazy and poorly thought. I will make my main character relatable and unlikable by making him selfish and incredibly average! Instead of someone whose internal conflict might actually be engaging, we get a spineless moron who drains out the life out of every scene he appears in.

he's not bad he's just annoying

I like his design.

Besides not wanting to get in the robot at first, his character is pretty much nothing like a real-robot MC. People who think Shinjis entire character is "get in the robot" are retards. By midway in the story Shinji has no problem with getting in the robot and by the end is even using it to his own means.

Shinji is a believable 14 year old with parental abandonment issues.

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This does not make him interesting or someone brilliantly written. If I cared about the life of an average 14 yo with daddy issues, I really wouldn't.

Only normalfags think he's a whiny bitch. They get love and acceptance from their families and friends handed to them and so they take them for granted. They don't understand the pain of rejection

this why would i consider interesting an autistic 14yo just because he is "realistic"
self inserters should seriously have sex

>By midway in the story Shinji has no problem with getting in the robot and by the end is even using it to his own means.
wtf you mean his character arc is exactly the same as every other protagonist of the genre? anno you bloody genius

>This does not make him interesting or someone brilliantly written.
It's hard to do someone like Shinji as well as Gainax did. Eva wouldn't be half as great without him

No I'm just explaining why that ISN'T the only part of his character and why he WOULD be just a generic real robot MC if it was.

getting in the robot was not his character arc

Even the characters in the same setting who are less fortunate than him consider him a bitch.

I watched the subbed version recently so the jap name stuck with me for now, it's not like I dislike calling him Ash. Stop being anal about meaningless bullshit.

Everyone in the series is fucked in the head and they all want to be accepted and loved but they don't, they reject and hurt each other. That's why SEELE and Gendo wanted Instrumentality to happen, to bring down the physical and spiritual barriers that cause humanity to reject each other and become one primordial tang soup



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I’m going to eat Asuka’s poop!!!

>there are people in this day and age that think that evangelion is a good anime

The ending of EoE was soul crushing.

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