Post your waifu doing somethin' funny

Post your waifu doing somethin' funny

Attached: 1587126211281.png (292x442, 269.3K)

fuck off narutard

Attached: 17.jpg (1125x1600, 404.73K)

there's not a lot of her

Attached: tumblr_pfont2m1kO1ufyhz7o2_r1_1280.jpg (1280x1656, 236K)

no way i'm gonna post mai waifu in a nardo thread.

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Attached: 78534438_p0.png (3285x2010, 1.23M)

Based Raikage

It's also cute

Attached: mpv-shot0001 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 185.94K)

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Attached: Re Creators.full.2174257.jpg (2863x4093, 1.17M)

Phos taking stand!

Attached: 1584928565295.png (1920x1080, 3.71M)



Attached: BYKEFyjCYAAZ2xs.jpg large.jpg (660x830, 67.98K)


Attached: satania (384).gif (200x400, 597.75K)

Are waifus even a thing in 2020?
I thought everyone either moved on or made a tulpa already

Zig Forums draws kekkai sensen

It's not Zig Forums draws, i am the one who did this frame i am fucking retarded

I love my wife, Alpaca

Attached: my wife alpaca charging into battle.jpg (850x1203, 407.93K)


Attached: domestic violence that is actually canon.jpg (1075x1057, 226.67K)

My grasp of reality is too strong and my will power too weak to make a tulpa.

whats in the bag

You’re not fitting in when you say this you know.

yes he is

Sounds like quitter talk, normalfag

Attached: acikm7xjpw641.jpg (750x513, 86.35K)

Attached: 1583619615958.jpg (1280x720, 145.24K)

lmao that pic

Attached: HinaRai.jpg (1280x1341, 127.74K)

Based Jazznata poster

almost as cool as harmonica playing sasuke

Man, I want to fuck her mouth.

Attached: reward.webm (852x480, 2.7M)