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My first thought: OP is an enormous faggot. Stop guzzling cum for two seconds, you fag.

Best thing from it;

It was awesome, I have no idea why people loathe it when it was the second best anime of 2014 after Nobunaga The Fool. Yes I'm from /m/ and this was better than G-Reco (and most Gundam entries for that matter).

In-a-hoe was a fag. Waste of a good name.

Remember that three-way battle between this, Build Fighter Try and Reconguista?
Remember oldfags, newfags and solfags fighting what mecha should be representing in the foreseeable future?
None of the three shows delivered, everyone's assblasted about it

where the fuck did all the mecha anime go?

Went from "shit and entertaining" to just "shit" the moment it lost Urobutcher

Slaine did NOTHING wrong.

I enjoyed it a lot when I watched it years ago, but I don't want to re-watch it because I know it won't be a good as I remember.

First season was bretty good.
The 2nd season was beyond awful

How To Fuck Up A Second Season Harder Than Ever: The Anime

the butcher take on mecha of the week.

All songs were amazing.
My favorites in order were:
1. A/Z
2. Harmonious
3. aLIEz

Dumb. It did their best character Slaine so dirty while Inaho was just trash

I liked it.

I love the OST and that's it

Inaho is BASED as fuck.

It's shit but at least the threads were fun because of how shit the show is.

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Let make: "What if Boku No Pico had mecha and was in space?"

it was fine

It's a legitimately good show.

based sawano

The opening reminds me of the muv luv one, for whatever reason

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It was entertaining, but the main character was an absolute stu and insufferable. The princess was a traitor as well.

Grunts vs gundamy robot were the only good thing about it

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Eggs had Autism, Slaine was a turbocuck

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They let the Boku no Pico writer work on it. Basically, nothing was surprising as a result.

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+great mecha design, great OST, also MC always using a standard trooper military grade mecha for the rest of the series (with a small modification).
not a very specialized mecha like gundam that makes them win the most fights
-story is very good in the first half, get me hooked.
they crashed the train the last half, fucking dogshit.

also fun ride on /a when it was airing, been following for the memes.