

Attached: acerola my wife.gif (420x179, 877.8K)

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3 for the price of one too!


Another form of perfection.

Attached: shoujo dance.webm (1920x816, 1.64M)

Explain to me how can people choose other girls when they are competing with Acerola?

Attached: bat hug.png (1366x768, 1.05M)

kizu is the only watchable monogatari

Their brains have rotted and they get hung up on irrelevant details or they base their judgement of women around how hard they pander to a specific fetish.

I didn't even keep watching past Bake, when it became apparent they were just going all out fetish-bait harem, but this pic is one of the most mesmerizing things I've seen and if anyone has a really hq/hi-res version pls I need it.

Attached: 1489543875_tumblr_mvpj16RXtK1suxajso2_500.gif (480x264, 1015.82K)

I think this is the best loop of it anyone has made.

Attached: kiss shot goddess large.gif (640x320, 3.03M)

where is that scene from?

>when it became apparent they were just going all out fetish-bait harem
it doesn't

Onimonogatari 2 or 3. The one with the big flashback.

Attached: 2 - Revered.jpg (8064x1152, 1.05M)

Thanks user, do you happen to have just a wallpaper size still of it? I'll suck your dick for it

I dunno man, it seems pretty fishy. Also, I'm honestly not very comfortable with all the loli shit in the show with snail and Shinobu and, by the looks of it, araragi's little sisters. It's just not my thing. I'm not trying to shit on lolicons or whover likes that shit; if you like it, great, just not for me.

It's a shame really, cause I really dig the style of Bake, and it's one of the better made anime out there but yeah

wish the art was consistent with the show

>I'm honestly not very comfortable with all the loli shit in the show with snail and Shinobu and, by the looks of it, araragi's little sisters
Is this place still Zig Forums?

Attached: 1542933334432.gif (300x228, 1.91M)

I only keep the full stitches on hand. Crop it however you like.

No, it's 4channel :^)

Attached: 78015866_p0.jpg (1500x1500, 150.53K)

I had never seen the full panoramic view. This is shit beatiful. I love you, user

Attached: 898de28100e976b9501442feeba5d21b.jpg (3840x2160, 414.3K)

Attached: 1380063509562.jpg (2893x4093, 2.24M)

Have the rest then, if you're interested.

Thanks. These are all great. Fuck, I miss Monogatari's style. You can even see it in these "handpainted" vignettes

Yet another form of perfection.

Attached: teen glamour.jpg (754x1200, 199.22K)

So what’s the deal between her and RRG?

Does Japan even care about Monogatari anymore? I feel that the series became way too pretentious for its own good.

In love romantically but pushing that part down because they get way more out of the platonic parts of their relationship and admitting it would be inconvenient.

I don't fuck dead girls

>you will never wake up to this

Attached: d0ffd806fb32b3f030872616450403c4.jpg (1086x905, 73.35K)

Soul mates. Literally don't want be apart from each other.

Attached: shinobuararagi.png (1280x720, 720.64K)

Araragi is the king of the manlets. Lucky son of a bitch.

Attached: 1563759978034.png (600x772, 660.2K)

So does senjougahara know about this? I feel like it's not really something she'll be ok with. She's stated before that she doesn't care who he plays around with, as long as its not serious. Soulmates sounds pretty serious