This is the cutest fucking shit, my heart is gonna melt

This is the cutest fucking shit, my heart is gonna melt.

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What is this manga called? I've read it before, but I can't remember the name.

Yeah. Really good. I generally don't like manga with edgy mc. But he is ok here and his interactions with girl are cute

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What chapter was this again?

It's cute until she tries to rape him multiple times.

Chapter 13

I meant 14

No wait actually 15

Yamada a cute

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the author likes them BIG

Ichikawa is way cuter

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who doesn't

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two of soul he and i.

Still can't believe this is the Mitsudomoe author.

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Same but it makes it better desu

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His sister probably rapes him too.

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I would too

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good golly ms molly

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how big we talk’n?

you picked possibly the least cute page to show off this manga

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>girl bleeding out
>I like her
What the fuck?

that page is after a few chapters, he realize that he likes her because he is sad that she is bleeding

If I saw that twink with those pajamas, I would try to grab his butt.

>tight sweater

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Why noy?

Chubby lolis to thick tall girl seems like a big venture.

The thing I like about Ichikawa is that he's really perceptive and empathetic for his age. He knows the injury is a big deal for Yamada. You can tell that he really cares about her.

Yamada is perfect.

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