How do we stop webtoons from ruining anime?

How do we stop webtoons from ruining anime?

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It's already ruined thanks to the people who likes romcoms and haremshit

webtoons are low quality trash. I'd take seasonal isekai over this shit anyday.

I stopped reading Tower of God right after Rachel boards the Hell Train . Should I keep reading or does it keep dragging as usual?

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Some of them like god of High school and tower of god are god damn good series.

It's too late now. Anime is already dead, webtoons are just the final nail in the coffin

Hell train dragged on for too long and so did the previous arc, I’m quite enjoying it currently

We don't. Anime is getting stale and more repetitive than usual. Actually interesting series rarely get picked up or translated and are left to rot. Webtoons are written by fans for fans and contain premises other fans want to see. It helps that most come from a new perspective of tropes and ideas from another country like china and Korea. Not only that, women, the market that spends the most on anime merchandise, are also tuning into webtoons as well and a lot of stories water to their market. Japan is going the way of america when it comes to stale entertainment ran by Corperations more than the people.

Give it time and webtoons will fall down the same path.

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Considering this shit is not anime I think we should be asking how do we get the dumb fucks on this site to stop ignoring the rules.

Call me when they make Girls of the Wild's.

>Implying that anime hasn't been ruining itself for the past decade

I mean, I guess it can be webtoons fault if you really think that gross oversaturation of genres such as moe and isekai isn't the actual problem here.

cant be worse than light novels or gaptcha

This. Boxing girls are my fetish

Meta thread, but how is Tower of God a webtoon if it's Korean original animated by Japanese studio (TMS), but Freezing isn't? Is it because Freezing was published for Japanese audiences primarily? Just trying to understand where people are drawing a line and why.

Because it originated as a manwhua (Korean manga)

Marisa you have sauce all over your face!

originated as a manwhua first or was it a webcomic like OPM then made into a manwhua?

So the issue is the formatting and style of the source material, not the studio adapting it. Which is why you can't post Ninja Batman or Madhouse's Ironman.

That makes sense to me. Japanese people can be involved in all levels of production, but it's only anime when it was originally Japanese.

>Which is why you can't post Ninja Batman or Madhouse's Ironman.

Don't watch them, don't talk about them
Even now you're advertising for them without realizing it

if this open the gate to korean otome villainesses anime then i'm all in

Japs should stop making dogshit then

Just Hang yourself WEEB

>Manhwa gets an influx of anime adaptation when 95% of them turns into garbage after using webtoon format
>No Unbalance X2 anime ever
It hurts

are there any 4koma webtoons

>Implying that it didn't already falls down to the same path due to how bland and generic it is most of the time

Make anime uncool. Take us back to a time long ago before the masses came in. Stop wanting things to be translated or picked up. Buy imports only. Take us back to the old days when it was just us.

Wasn't Kyokou Suiri already a manga back in 2015? I thought it was getting dubbed or whatever?

Yeah no I'd take webtoons over isekaishit anyday of the week.

>Considering this shit is not anime
It is though.

Anime got worse when it got globalized. Asians should be the only people partaking in it. It got worse when other races became fans of it.

buy their BD

God of Highschool is pure shit

>Korean garbage
No, it is not anime, the same goes for garbage like Cannon Busters and whatever Tencent is pushing out currently.

Anime = Animation created by Japs. And by created I mean they are in charge creatively or financed it.
This garbage is made by Koreans. It doesn't belong on Zig Forums.