For once, I wanted a happy ending

For once, I wanted a happy ending.

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at least triela goes out like a badass

They all die and are thus freed from their hellish existence. That's about as happy as you're going to get with a story like that.

I guess. At least she got to die in the arms of best handler.

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That's because she was a badass.

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How come no one calls this series edgy? It seems pretty edgy to me.

Why is it edgy?

underage posters who call everything edgy usually get filtered by the cute girls

is not edgy actually is tactful per example it mention Henrietta was gangbanged and her family was executed but it doesnt draw it.
edgy mangakas actually draw it

It actually is a pretty solid "Introverted Hitman Mysteries" with a side of "Little Girl Slice of Life."

The characters grow on you, the plots aren't overly retarded, and the end game is actually pretty good.

It doesn't go overboard on the little girl stuff either, and they all seem some constructed (each one has a single, flagrant, personality trait) they are more like pets or robots than little girls.

The fisherman chapter was the one I liked the best outside of the end.

Actually, fisherman's girl had one of the best endings too.

Because it's not edgy user. A situation can be a bummer but not be edgy, in fact a major theme of the series is a number of both girls and handlers trying to find happiness and/or closure in one way or another. Their time is limited and jobs super dangerous and they're considered somewhat disposable, yet even so the series constantly looks for silver linings and whatever good can be found anyway.

In fact really it's the polar opposite. Yeah, good intentions often aren't enough and there aren't really any miracles for them in the end, but that's life. Each in their own ways still manage to find their ends.

Theme was kind of that real "happy endings" can be relative. They didn't get any magical medical super miracle. Neither did they lose, die in utter misery or anything like that. Gotta try to find the happiness in that and their legacies. It was a much better series then I expected going in, even years later it still makes me think sometimes.

>It was a much better series then I expected going in
Same. I'm not much of a anime/manga guy anymore, but GS is still one of the most pleasant surprises I've ever had with any kind of media.

>not happy ending
>It seems pretty edgy to me.

sure wasn't rainbows and puppies but that would have made no sense anyway. was bretty damn gud end regardless, the survivors carried on the fallen.

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I know what it was going for but the epilogue chapter sucked

I could have gone without it as well, but it had its moments

Donate a few bucks for me

Can we all agree Triela is best girl?

Thanks for prompting me to re-read the last few volumes OP. Still a pretty powerful series, particularly if I put it in context to all the more recent manga I've read. I don't know what exactly it is about it, the concept seems shallow at first glance but it has a feel to it that rose above that. The denouement is just right, even if the epilogue is a bit rushed but then again not much needed to be said and it was a firm end.

I cannot remember, did the anime actually cover the whole series?

I remember first season was first third and quality animation, the second the animation took a hit and was the second third, and I had to read the manga for the last third.

>I cannot remember, did the anime actually cover the whole series?
Not even remotely I don't think. It got to that part where Jose and Jean go out to Sicily and Jean gets plastered and ends up arguing with a vision of their dead sister.

Too bad, would have been nice to see the final arc animated. Even with the animation getting a bit janky I still remember a lot of the music.

user, her original backstory from the doujin that started GS is MUCH worse.

dat op.

>the doujin that started GS
I actually never researched any backround on Gunslinger Girl, care to enlighten me/post a link as to its backstory?

Was that Aida's 97/98 stuff? Or something later? Fuck that was forever ago, wonder if I still have those.

hah, somehow totally forgot there were a ton of doujins leading up to the manga and then anime. fun how series can sometimes come out that side of things and grow way beyond with know issues due to porn origins, never see that over here.

Sure it can be found, but lets just say bleeding out after being nearly fucked to death for brown girl is NOT pretty.

Hey, what about Empowered? It is really enjoyable

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And father of their child.

>15 volumes
>one panty shot

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