Is it wrong to love a whore Zig Forums?

is it wrong to love a whore Zig Forums?

Attached: by spring chapter 5.png (794x1200, 700.4K)

bruh what's the point of a relationship if she sleeps with anyone that will pay her

Yes, dumbass. See any whore lesbians or sisters in anime or manga? No?

Yes, but it's not wrong for a whore to be a whore.


there is no such thing as "wrong" when it comes to love

Love itself is wrong.

There's being a retard.

Make it doubles?

user are you alright ?

>See any whore lesbians or sisters in anime or manga?
Yes, all the time.

>this is what pedos actually believe

Its not wrong to love one.

But man, you've got to be the dumbest guy in the world to fall for a whore. A whore is essentially the practiced nihilistic attitude of what a girl can offer in our society.

A good citizen? A good housewife? What does it matter when life does not matter? Therefore the whore subjects herself to the nihilistic life choice of giving strangers sex for exchanged goods.
This means that a whore cannot love, because she is physically incapable of loving. The whore having sex is something inconsequential. Sex is a natural part of a world with no meaning. If sex has no meaning then surely love must have no meaning as well, it is all chemicals to a whore.

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>If sex has no meaning then surely love must have no meaning as well
This doesn't follow

>by spring
>look it up
>he is apparently 14 the mom is a prostitute

No sex as a purity is a tradition.
Love is a tradition

If she does not choose the tradition thats fine. But you cannot expect a woman to also follow the tradition of love either, one thing cannot be sacred and the other not. They are both intertwined

It depends on the whore

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There is no tradition in slotting my dick in a sloppy cunt and nothing 'pure' about it either


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translators dropped it

Be careful. Autists here can't understand such emotions because they can't actually calculate and break them down logically. You should be more considerate of the automatons.

>Its not wrong to love one.
>But man, you've got to be the dumbest guy in the world to fall for a whore
This,you can love whoever you want,just don't expect people not to call you a retard.

I'll take the advice from an older, wiser whore.

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Makes me feel fucking physically ill.

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What are those eyes?

The look of a fat, balding ugly bastard who is determined to mindbreak yet another kid's mommy

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what the fuck is this manga...
I'm so curious to read it but i feel like its going to annihilate my heart

It's from 2 women who I think normally did yaoi manga. It's about a boy who is so unbelievably poor he looks under vending machines for change. He also has a crush on a rich/middle-class girl who is rumoured to be a prostitute. She isn't.

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Absolute cringe.