Ohh my resurrection

>ohh my resurrection

I cant believe you guys like this garbage fire of an anime.

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>He didn't get the foreshadowing
Fucking speedreaders

watch his slice of life with buddha show instead

>constantly surrounded by 12 guys
>never fucked Mary Magdalene
>kissed Judas
Yaoifags won, straightfags and Peterfags absolutely BTFO.

Such an ass pull.

>never fucked Mary Magdalene
Sure user, he just washed her feet gently

Is anyone excited for the Quran reboot next year?

god marries a floating cube


bros before hoes

>Not yeeting death
do you even lift?

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God's a pyramid with an eye, it's not like he could do any better

Look at her and tell me you wouldn't

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I traveled back in time to fuck mohammeds catholic wife, thats why he invented islam, cause of me.

It's definitely going to be more interesting. From what I've heard it's going to have multiple war arcs and a loli waifu

This author is a hack.

Gods three jews in one you dumbass
I would 100

I'm only watching it for the lolis

I hope they don't butcher the part with the stairway to heaven

>implying jesus impregnated his own mom

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>"um, yeah I read anime sure,"

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Why the fuck did they end it after the resurrection?
I read the LN and was really exited about the last volume getting adapted

Everything went to shit when the author wrote the book of the kings arc

I want to fuck Absalom

Mohammed got cucked by G-d right?Yeah im sure he did. What a beta male, explains why he became a fucking loli lmao

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>Not an harem
>fresh isekai idea
>The MC only jobbed by Chadabas
>a bit of ntr
I can't believe that (you) don't like this anime

Thats not buddha its actually myouken from zen buddhism

>tags: ntr, yandere, strange pupils, hardcore, guro,yaoi...

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This. I'm surprised it wasn't more popular with fujos, though.


Part 1 was better. This one was all about muh wishfulfillment power fantasy with a moralfag MC and bad worldbuilding.

>Believe in me because I believe in you
????nani the fuck???

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I thought the last arc was super weird. why was it so open ended and abstract? there was a bunch of sequel bait but the author hasn't done anything else with the franchise

>That moment where G-d shows off his beemer

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I think they were trying to pull an Evangelion thing

no one wants to see these two fuck

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Jews are weirdos

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