
Light clan or Dark clan?

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My cute autistic crocs wearing flat chested husband (female) Ikemomo looks so nice in her bunny outfit!

Second Harvest is next gen Maho Shojo gear.

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Momo becomes Idoru, Mikan is Producer

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This is all Shamiko's fault

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Only 3 Machikado Mazoku fans left on the entire internet...

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Dry period

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The end.

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for me, it's Anri

It was Anri's birthday yesterday. Not that anyone cared.

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There was a thread, but then it died

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Light clan girls belong to Dark clan girls. Dark clan girls belong to Light clan girls. This is the way of the world. Amen.

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She wears lift and separate bras, doesn't she?

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Here we go again.


Not gonna lie, this actually looks cool af.

I don't want the threads to die Shamibros, I love discussing the series here and it's not talked about anywhere else on the English speaking internet (which is both a blessing and a curse).

Anri's present?

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>Buying a used gift
I know Shamiko is poor but come on now.

If they announce an S2 I'll give a shit again.

Did Card Captor Sakura ever combine her blades with one of her Maho Shojo outfits? I remember she wore them to school every day, but did she ever use them in an outfit?
If not than this is fairly original.

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Perfect stepmom for Ugallu, always ready to grill.

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That gift was from Mikan herself.

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Who really is the lewdest demi human in the household?

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Did the guy who was making the Zig Forums sings of Machikado Tangent ever give any updates? I submitted to it but it's been like 2 months or something and there's been no update on his progress with it.

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A bowl of ramen so big kikikanrifomu is needed to finish it.

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We all knew how this series would end

A classic story of rivals become friends become enemies, and at the end of the story they must fight. "Shamiko is a bad demon" momo says, and "with this, don't think that means you've won" Shamiko says before she dies.

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And then just before Momo kills Shamiko she reveals that she's pregnant with Shamiko's child.

Recently discovered to be an important person.
Will we go on a Anri discovery arc now that this is done?

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Ogura revealed herself because she's a loser, it shows her true identity isn't important.
The actual final boss and master manipulator would never reveal themselves unless they actually had to. Satan won't show her real face any time soon.

Nah, Anri is probably a final boss, her name is Satan. A few volumes from now she'll probably be the big reveal that everyone could see coming from a mile away.

Shamiko IS pregnant with Momo's adopted sister though.
So its more likely that Shamiko did something to cause Sakura to be expelled and disappear.

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>you'll never have a daughterparentsister with Shamiko
Bros... It hurts...