So all the talk about Aqua winning were just shitposts?

So all the talk about Aqua winning were just shitposts?

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Aqua wins by default.

Every Aqua thread is just shitposts. This is nothing new.

Aquafags are retards just like the damegami

turns out nobody won lol
japs really like to cuck people when it comes to romance. i will take this opinion to my grave because it's an absolute fact.

Based wife of triumph

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She won.

Aqua and Aquafags are all straya cunts. No exception.
In during fuck off you're full.

Just let it go bro, the better woman won.

Attached: Aqua Shigure.png (784x1060, 579.17K)

The true in its ultimate form

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based and axis pilled

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Honest question for Aquafags: why do you want Kazuma to fuck your wife so badly? Shouldn't you be hoping she doesn't win?

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Who knows, wait for the LN to come out.
Besides is it really winning when the prize is Kazuma?

>So all the talk about Aqua were just shitposts?

How's that skirt even work?
Doesn't even cover her ass.

I know, it's great, hu?

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Yes. It was an open ending (which is bad for Megumin) and it's being heavily implied Kazuma is marrying Iris. At least legally she's going to be his wife, whether Darkness and Megumin are mistresses are up to interpretation.

if Aqua can purify anything, are her shitposts still shitposts or just posts?

Yeah the final volume was incredibly light on any kind of romance. Megumin is still Kazuma's girlfriend (though they still haven't fucked) and the lack of romantic or sexual tension or attraction between Aqua and Kazuma is still the core of their relationship (unlike in the web novel).

>Doesn't even cover her ass.
Why would you cover a national treasure?

>legal wife
Are you implying Kazuma's dick is ever going to be outside of her once they're married?

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Aquafags are also self inserters. Double the low.

That definitely wasn't implied, it was implied that Iris would try to make that happen but there wasn't anything in particular suggesting that that's fated to go well.

Kazuma is the best character in the entire series so everyone wants him to end up with the best girl in the series (Aqua)

There's nothing wrong with getting some variety in where it's placed.

All four of them are going to be together, that's what all of them want. Aqua and Kazuma are always going to have a close relationship, but not a romantic one. That's always been their dynamic in the LN.

please keep consuming product gaijin-san
one day you might find out which girl won

I mean, it's the most Iris favored ending that could have realistically happened. Megumin didn't win and Kazuma is like double required to marry Iris with the ring thing too.

Yeah that will be the premise for a new story at some point, but when has any story, never mind this one, just go "this is what will now happen" and write it just happening like that?

>nothing to do, since dumb demon larper king got BTFO
>drink all day long
>party with Aqua
It's only a question of days until they fuck out of boredom/stupid/drunk/whatever. Fun! And megaman is gonna watch.

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>Megumin lost
>Megumin's threads are gonna get Aqua'd from now on

Feels good to be on the winning side

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I'm just waiting for my freshly squeezed glass of water

>Megumin lost
Incorrect, Aqua has never been in the race and that didn't magically change now. She's just a bro.

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Getting your girl dicked by another man daily isn't winning.

>and it's being heavily implied Kazuma is marrying Iris.
The same paragraph also mentioned Megumin and Kazuma's promise of fucking being in a future novel.

Right out of my wife's genitals if you catcg my drift

She didn't won, but at least we have our fun BTFO'ng Megumincels

She didn't won the Kazumabowl (noone did)

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Why are Aqua posters so based?

Does anyone have any more nice Aqua renders?
I want to make some Aqua wallpapers.

Where were you when all the pedos suddenly stop posting in Konosuba threads?

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I have this

Attached: WP23.png (1920x1200, 3.22M)

how did megumin lose
i thought the loli neetpandering would never end


Here is my fav

Attached: oi234jo2nlweqe.png (1920x1080, 971.34K)

She lost because she didn't fuck Kazuma

>how did megumin lose
She was at one tiny step of becoming Kazuma's wife, but the author literally leave her blue balls and with an open ending (probably a yuri ending since her last known interaction was with Yunyun)

God Konosuba is so cringe

He is right though. The last Megumin thread was full of Aqua's pics and pedoshaming