Buyfag thread

>Union Creative

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read the guide

Is she in a cup for uh clean up reasons?

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wew I'd buy the cats if they were sold separetly.

Still kinda want it

This looks better than I expected.

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God dammit I need more space if I want St.Louis

Make sure to get enough for the corresponding Honolulu

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Choose two.

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3 and 5

And also Formidable

1 4

prehotglued from the factory

Nah. Formi can go somewhere else, she might break the shelf anyway.

Most pics don't show her from a lower angle, I want to see that underboob

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Why are things like those telephone cards with characters on them so expensive?

1 and 3

What I'm hearing is ditch the UC OC.
I'm sure I can get it later on the aftermarket for cheap anyways.

Is there a procedure to cleaning figurines?

I am afraid of messing up paint or something

Depends on the size of the package. DHL calculates shipping rates by volume, not weight, so large items, like scales, will cost significantly more to ship than smaller, heavier items, like books. Shipping a single scale for me via DHL typically costs between 12K to 15K.

I've yet to be disappointed by Myethos.

You hotglue it?

anything but 5 honestly

That chin though.

Don't like the elf loli?

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makeup brushes

Water and a gentle soap should cause 0 problems to the average figurine. If you want to keep it dry, a makeup brush helps like another user said.

Throw 'em in the dishwasher. Should be fine.

Water should be avoided for as long as possible. Smalll droplets or any kind of moisture left. Specially on figures with fibers (stockings or similar) will cause dust to accumulate even faster and potentially stain your figure.

Water and soap must only be used on extreme cases, like plasticizer migrating or a figurine building up layer upon layer of dust. For regular cleaning makeup brushes, A microfiber cloth and some qtips do the job fine

no, I was the one critiquing it for the past few threads


There's also the issue of hard water in some places, when it dries if leaves all those minerals ingrained on your figure.

Attached: lina with some flowers!.jpg (1200x900, 178.47K)

Its PVC and paint. Say what you will, but these are not Faberge eggs. Just be careful, dry it properly and you will be fine.