Is worth to read? i am bored

Is worth to read? i am bored

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If you have nothing else to do maybe give it a try. It's not as bad as people meme it but of course just like your typical shonen jump series it's not the best or masterpiece. Just another ok-ish long-running shonen. But that doesn't mean you could feel bad liking it or you shouldn't enjoy it.

Nah it's trash at best and you should feel bad if you like it

It's bad. You should read good stuff for men, like Berserk or Vinland Saga or Vegabond or HxH. If you want naruto, but shorter, go for it.

>like Berserk

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>Vinland Saga
>good stuff for men

can we stop this retarded meme already?

>forever on hiatus
>Vinland Saga
>Good for the first arc, just ok for the arcs after
>Haven't read this and it could genuinely be good, or not
>Also forever on hiatus

well if you are bored than you can make your own decision.

it's pretty generic but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. if you don't mind a fair bit of shonen stereotypes then you might find it enjoyable. i find black clover fun because it really loves to do teamfights, and it's fun seeing how different people work well in various teamups

no. you will be wasting your time

Don’t read it, if we’re not counting the axe-bait it’s the worst thing currently in WSJ. Avoid at all cost.

have you read every other series currently being published in WSJ? If not, try one of them first, before you start scraping the bottom of the barrel

Vinland saga is sjw trash

It's garbage

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Sure, after you read OP, MHA, AA, JJK, CSM, Stone, GotW, Haikyuu, HxH, Mashle, KnY, Mitama, Yozakura, TPN, Bokuben, UU, Moriking, and Yuuna. Basically, read anything else from Jump and it’ll be a better experience than fucking BC

I love it. Fun nice fights and lighthearted. Love the setting and premise

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Kys clovertard


Kys clovertard

you forgot Bome Collector. That's about as shit as BC, but it's at least shorter

Why must cloverkeks be so retarded?

my post didn't say anything about it being fun, I said it's the worst thing currently being published in WSJ. Are you ok user?

Don’t waste your time, it’s getting axed soon.

Wrong (you)?

add vagabond to the forever on hiatus tier cuz its never coming back

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Why would ask anybody here for advice on anything

Kek, why do people say this is getting axed soon?

alright im done writing essays on why anons should check out BC cuz i say the same shit and im getting bored of it. how about instead of listening to the hivemind of Zig Forums, why dont you read a couple arcs and if you're not enjoying it, then drop it. its not that hard.

also yes i said read it. i like the anime but first couple episodes are a drag (shit time management on peirriot's part) but the manga is way way WWWAAAYYYY faster. it takes the first 4 episodes to complete the first chapter. the pacing is super fast that you could finish an arc in one sitting i shit you not.

tl;dr form your own opinion

Numbers don’t lie

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>Liking BC
You have to be 18+ to post here
Kys clovertard

But with all the manga ending sooner or later, they'll need BC