Scanlation Groups

Alright Y'all, I know this is probably not a good idea, but I figure it's better than nothing. This series, which I have enjoyed for a long time, has been dropped by the Scanlation group that handled it because of an official release being made in English. If any groups are on here and willing to handle it, I'm sure you'll have legions of loyal fans who will gladly turn over if you decide to continue this series in Moe Panda Scans' place

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Why don't you just buy the official release?

>scan group picks up a manga
>manga gets popular
>publisher picks up the manga and translate it because they saw it became popular
>translation is worse
>starts back at chapter 1
>no more constant releases
>manga stop being popular
>publisher goes under
Why don't they understand that they are literally killing the manga by doing this?

I just enjoy the series I would support the author but it's not like you can go to Barnes and Noble these days
See above

You can just fucking order them online you brainlet.

No regional pricing. I don't make American wage, I can't pay American price

kys you'reself

Because it will take at least a year for it to catch up with the scans

This manga is popular as fuck. It's obviously getting picked up by whoever.

Sure, when its available in 2022 and we're all dead from the Rona.

>oh no [series] got licensed
>better stop scanlating it, forever killing the existing english audience!

>>translation is worse

I actually like the new translation better. Moe Panda wasn't very good, honestly. They weren't bad enough to make it unreadable, but they've got too many lines that read stilted and robotic; it's weird especially for a slang-talking gal.

The fact that we're going to have to wait at least a year before they catch back up will be a huge problem, though.

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Title is fucking stupid though

When you don't have any arguments you bring up the title name. It's okay poorfag i understand you don't have money.

Not the guy you were talking to, I entered the thread just to say the title was stupid and your post was a good one to reply to

So, who is going to pick it up now?

Can we get the same folks to do Kaguya’s official from Volume 1?

The current official release is a disaster

Pay me money and I'll get it out faster than the official release. Hell I can probably get the final volume out before the official slowpokes release volume 2.

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Anyone picked it back up yet? I would but I can't.

Won't happen. These disaster works are selling like hotcakes

Say that to SpyXFamily & Chainsawman

These have simulpub. Other than Jump series and SOME Square Enix series, nothing gets multipubed

Wow. Professional translation is actually far better than the MTL one!

>I would but I can't.

I can, but I just don't feel like committing to a series again. Last time I dropped like 4 series and I feel bad for doing so.

who's your favorite scanlator group, user?

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user, look at grand blue

Cyan and Helvetica

Some kodansha series like Eden's zero,nami yo kiitekure,space brothers,AOT etc gets simulpubed as well but you have to pay per chapter.

BASED scanlators
>LH Scans

>whiny readers
>patreon and money-begging scanlators

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Didn't Space Brothers end years ago?

Mine obviously, but it's dead at the moment.

Illuminati-manga or hokuto no gun. I was introduced to uncountable series through them. Currently thepaulbunyantrophy because how much effort he puts to make sure the original artists and publishers get their pay and remove a manga as soon as they get Licensed.

ragequit like a little bitch
>LH Scans

Change your pasta, dude

No lol.

You can buy official when it's available but enjoy fan translation of material that doesn't have official release yet you know?