This anime is so bad, it makes me want to bleach my eyes

This anime is so bad, it makes me want to bleach my eyes

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Orihime is my wife

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Bleach more like Blech


Rukia > Orihime

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Shut up Renji

You know what the hell of it is? It LOOKS like it would be really good. I love everything about the character design, the settings are unique, the powers are often strange and intriguing, and the anime has a killer soundtrack, but then the plot happens and it all goes to waste. It's just one big, shallow fashion statement. Maybe Tite Kubo would be better suited working in advertising.

>then the plot happens and it all goes to waste.

More like Blegh

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure the plot of Bleach was brilliant. That must be why it was the only one of the big three to have its anime cancelled. Honestly, there were only two times when I showed genuine interest in Bleach: the beginning, when it was a monster-of-the-week affair, and when the Arrancar showed up, because I'm a sucker for the trope of the bad guys who are like evil versions of the good guys, and they just seemed like way more interesting, more expressive characters to me.

Whatever I just want to lick yoruichi's armpits

It’s your fault for watching trash in the first place.

Ok retard

How does it taste?

Best girl

>Maybe Tite Kubo would be better suited working in advertising.
I wish he did more work as a vidya character designer.
Replace whoever the fuck is working on the ff series with him

I read that in a Mr.Plinkett voice.

>good animation on opening than in the Spada arc
Based Pierrot.

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*laughs in Bleach*

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Drink it.

Bleach actually sucks but I can't deny I have some nostalgia for it

I'm watching it for the first time too. It's not bad, it's levels of 2008 Studio Pierrot jank that you would be used to already if you had watched Naruto back then.

Plus the animation is surprisingly good for something this old, you can't say the same for Toei productions from that time.

No wonder Ichigo went hollow for her.

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I dunno, I thought everything right up to the soul society arc was incredible. It's still fairly good for a battle shounen through the soul society arc, and then it starts sucking mad dick. Like, serious hardcore underpaid hooker sucks dick.

So I've been burnt out on watching movies I found from Zig Forums and figured shit I'll watch some anime...Bleach? Yeah sure, I remember tidbits from it's run on Adult Swim and liking the manga a lot. Love the character design, sure.
The arrancar arc isn't nearly as good as I remember, the filler arcs are fucking awful, and fuck the comic relief characters like the mod souls and those goons in Hueco Mundo.
This moment and the first arc besides those three filler episodes are the peak of the series. No wonder it died first out of the Big 4

I absolutely fucking love this artbook. Anyone knows if there's more like this one?

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