The average anime girl is between 14 and 16 years old

>The average anime girl is between 14 and 16 years old.
What caused this phenomenon?

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15th birthdays

obviously its because that is when females peak

>What caused this phenomenon?

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bitterness about missing out on teenage love and romanticizing the idea that girls are at their 'peak' when they're 15
also most manga writers just never really matured past a teenager so they write from the little life experience they do have and idolize it

Good taste

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My dick.

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That's the target demographic age of most animes.

Are the majority of anime watchers 14/16 years old girls?

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>girls are at their 'peak' when they're 15
This and missing teenager love is true.

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you can tell this graph was made by a disgusting pedo

Ok, this is pretty damn based.
Seriously though, is this implying that most / all men are pedophiles?

I can believe it.
Most dudes don't wanna admit it but you don't suddenly stop finding girls attractive randomly if they aren't in that specific areas legal age range, whether one actually intends to act on it is irrelevant, the fact is a lot of men find girls aged 14-18 quite fucking attractive regardless of their own age be it 14-18 as well or fucking 30. It's likely because that's when girls first start to be able to birth children and so dudes probably developed instincts to be attracted to girls of that age range and only recently (Relatively recently, still over a hundred years ago) has such an age range become seen as taboo.
I'm not advocating for pedophilia here, just stating the facts

It's a flawed study that gets brought up for meme reasons.

Bee > Bird.

These are teens

So you deny that majority of men are attracted to 15 year old girls?

Not that user, but it what ways is it flawed? I'm legit asking, I see it a lot but don't really know the details behind it

The average anime girl isn’t real and has a dot and line where their nose and mouth should be.

kill yourself lrd

This plus the forbidden fruit effect. The fact alone that girls 14-16 are legally considered under age in many countries makes them all the more desirable. Also, there’s nothing pedophilic about being attracted this age range since they’ve reach puberty.

I love Tsukihi!

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>14 and 16 year olds are when women are at their absolute peak
>Content creators want to attract more customers
That simple, everyone is a so called ""pedophile"" but the thing is most men know better and just leave it as thoughts

I agree with both statements. I feel like there's something inherently attractive about underage girls because the are "off limits" so being with one isn't a normal thing, it's special basically. Likewise, people lump in ages 14-18 with ages 12 and under too much, there's a really key difference about being attracted to a legitimately underdeveloped girl and being attracted to a girl is merely underneath the arbitrarily decided age of consent

Prime body

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Daily reminder the only reason you're saying girls have to be 18 is because of feminists in the west. You're literally being brainwashed to accept an arbitrary number set by people who hate you.

Exactly. The age of consent is quite arbitrary. Sure, the line needs to be drawn somewhere and this is always going to be problematic. See paradox of the heap. But perhaps a less arbitrary line would be around the age of puberty. If you think about it just from a biological standpoint, it makes sense. It’s nature’s way of telling us that a person reached sexual maturity.

It's simple evo psych, the closer a woman is to passing breeding age the less likely she is to produce healthy offspring hence the dramatic drop off. Men are instinctively wired to be attracted to females that can rear children, which is why mental illness coincides with people attracted to children whom can't bear offspring.

This study was really flawed but I forgot why, look it up though

Except you got this completely backwards. The older a woman is, the less safe it is for her to have a child. The fact that a girl has reached puberty is biological evidence she is ready for childbirth.

Even so, I don’t think we need a scientific study for this. It’s pretty straightforwardly the case.

>is this implying that most / all men are pedophiles
It actually shows the exact opposite.
Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescence.
As age goes beyond ~9, the chance of a girl having started puberty becomes more common.
That's what the cliff on the left is.

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