You may not like it, but this is what peak mecha design looks like

you may not like it, but this is what peak mecha design looks like.

Attached: maxresdefault (38).jpg (1280x720, 152.47K)

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Too busy.

You posted the wrong pic

Attached: Sinanju.jpg (1000x1414, 521.08K)

Hopes? Dreams?

Unicorn was fucking gay

The OST is amazing.


i can't believe i bought the sazabi fatass over this

You just don't understand.

Attached: 1391824659618.jpg (1240x792, 115.5K)

The girl riding the mobile fortress is the best girl.

The new Sazabi kits are fantastic and you shouldn’t feel bad.

Not edgy enough for you?

Attached: 1972.jpg (1424x1767, 215.58K)

No, all of Unicorn was fucking gay.

Untransformed Unicorn is gorgeous.

Yeah i prefer it not transformed. The black one beats this one in untransformed design.

This is adorable.

V2 assault buster is peak gundam

Attached: 20070623.jpg (1024x693, 487.01K)


Attached: EGwwR1fXUAA2RM-.jpg (850x1200, 258.48K)

Attached: Bael.png (1591x2906, 3.89M)

Gunbuster and Macross Monster destroids are objectively superior

Attached: gunbuster4.png (800x600, 901.8K)


Find something better than this
you can't

Attached: peakmech.jpg (1280x720, 92.89K)

I like it, but imagine seeing a gold gundam flying around.

Attached: Akatsuki.jpg (2408x1584, 1.2M)

>Zig Forums exposing how infested it is with nu-shitters

Attached: -QMKhh5kqfUATlTdV8Yu2-ZHY0-bMpbtNUHxjbEuU9U.jpg (960x704, 102.11K)

You need the right type of edge

Attached: theEnd.jpg (1024x768, 163.99K)

Mecha design peaked in 1981 and it's all been downhill since then.

Attached: Golionanimedesign.png (700x1138, 746.86K)

Step off Thot. Jacking my style n' shit

Attached: 7135405-8844297138-Taubu[1].jpg (1280x720, 220.21K)

Objectively based
>Peak Zeon design
>Scaleable into ZEONG
>Can kick the Unicorns ass weren't for space magic

Attached: 2f95dd2051a4628ee94295c5e1dc8248c02721ecdca44ba8a52d0b46f9b4b1d9.jpg (540x396, 13.37K)

...can her clitoris do the same?

....... No Riddhe, not for you


U WOT M8?!

Attached: B4BASED.jpg (2048x1536, 1.07M)

Just a reminder that Zeta's design is now from 35 years ago and it stood the test of time to prove that it is one of the most unique and well designed Gondom to this date.

Attached: d46aff30881df308145ae2a1c5a7e6ff.jpg (1024x628, 205.87K)

>"Hey let's take the Hyaku Shiki and make it even more outlandishly stupid"

Attached: 1584415909441.jpg (1920x1080, 285.43K)

Nice transformer

Attached: transformer.jpg (1004x1600, 544.94K)

user, its a modified Anaheim Electronics MS


Better taste but not a gundam

Shitty head design

Shitty back-pack design

>his gundam isn't made of guns

Attached: Heavyarms.png (545x640, 382.08K)

I meant that the Zeon styling makes it sexy

Go back.


How can you be the best without special COCK-pit?

Attached: 322863cd2dd110facc1c.jpg (800x600, 156.35K)

How many shields is too much?

Attached: fullarmor gundam.jpg (580x326, 46.82K)

Cagalli had orb money

There's never a limit when you are a FAG

Not enough to beat a cripple.

>Shitty back-pack design
Imagine having this shit of a taste. Zeta has a beautiful back design with it's wide smooth reassuring back.

And then she gave this gundam to a random newly recovered coma patient who was originally committing heinous war crimes

Neo Roanoke deserves it. Anyways war crimes in that series mean shit.

Look at that majestic presence, I just wanna bow down to it.