For an Otaku NEET...

For an Otaku NEET, he handled living outside in the cold rain for a few weeks with barely any food or shelter pretty well

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he was neither otaku or a neet

You go to a library once and suddenly everyone thinks you're a Otaku NEET

He was the former but not the latter.

He was not familiar with games or otaku stuff
he was just in a fucking library looking for a fucking book
the other 3 idiots were the otaku, specially the kirito ripoff

I mean he says he's an Otaku episode 1

Motoyasu was a womanizer that happened to play MMOs

Read the first chapter of the novel. He literally says he’s an otaku and even gets his brother into it. Plus, otaku doesn’t mean what you think it means quite obviously.

I'm not a moralfag but it's hard to imagine someone unironically enjoying this shit unless something is actually wrong with them

What does you being a moralfag have to do with you not enjoying Isekai?


it's not that bad

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Finished it all the way through and yeah it is pretty bland. Bland personality, motivations, etc.

Naofumi's a cool guy

I don't get this reaction to Shield Hero. It's mediocre as fuck but in no way is it particularly morally egregious unless you're a total moralfag / or an SJW that got triggered over a woman falsely accusing another of rape.

That being said it's a bleh anime and the source material is even worse. Girls had good designs, though.

Are you not allowed to depict false rape accusations in media?

>"oh crap we really are losing to this opponent"
>"but hold on lemme remind myself that people brand me as a rapist"
>"damn you society. Aaaarghhghg!!!!"
>le epic god mode activates

You don't have a rage-based superpower?

curse shield does jack shit

I watched it way after it aired and I really liked it but apparently Naofumi's internal monologue makes him kinda different in the other formats of the story?

>I'm not a moralfag but it's hard to imagine someone unironically enjoying this shit unless something is actually wrong with them

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It's just EdgyNips self-inserting. It's not really about morality or rightousness

You can enjoy whatever you wanted to watch or read. Tell me what are you enjoying right now and i'll criticize you in the same way.

No but its really dumb almost funny to use the 'we live in society' meme to activate your trump card lol

>le epic god mode activates
well yeah, what's the point in having Raphtalia and Filo do the fighting for him if he has offensive capavilities himself?

Eh, I think the reaction is a response to how highly some people recommend it. It's an alright isekai but no where near the quality that actually merits someone telling another that it's worth spending hours of your life watching.

Not that guy but you seem like you've got a good grasp of Isekai and Shield Hero's the only one I've watched and enjoyed so far. Are there any you recommend?

He's a lot more cynical and petty in the LN and Manga compared to the Anime

it's your typical revenge story, arifureta and kaifuku are even worse than this one, shield hero is ok.

Not him but I would say RE: Zero has a great Isekai protagonist
Saga of Tanya the Evil is also pretty good

Is that gonna have repercussions for the anime later on, you think? Where a decision will seem out of character for the viewer because of how the anime's presented him so far?

Yeah at least we can agree that it's okay. Its not that great. Its just okay

I wish he was more like his LN and Manga counterparts personally, makes him seem a lot more flawed and interesting