What do you prioritize in your anime?

What do you prioritize in your anime?

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what's the difference with story and characters

1 in everything. I love trash

>story 5/5
>art 5/5
>animation 5/5
>characters 5/5
>music 5/5
retarded thread who would want anything less

Surely characters are a component of story?

Art, animation and music only.
>t. Autism

I would say story is the plot points listed out (including character development) but characters are their designs and personality.

Story can be lore, world building, believeability
The problem with a lot of anime is that they start with high school in modern day. So there goes worldbuilding out the door.

I would like to thank OP for confirming my theory that NPCs literally think creating anime works like that game-dev tycoon game

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Name 3 anime which meet this criteria.

Pretty girls, especially if they're of the loli type.

sometimes a character is briefly introduced or changed visually in a subtle but meaningful way. Its hard to think of those details as story


Cha: 5
Ani: 4
Mus: 3
Sto: 3
Art: 3

Aesthetic is narrative.

ass, boob and vagene

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Space Dandy
Gurren Lagaan
not really, but that was the closest three I could think of

i can’t. op is asking a hypothetical question

Character 5
Animation 4
Story 3
Music 3
Art 1

I agree somewhat. Character designs alone can definitely communicate a story but I think the significance comes from the plot relevance and not necessarily aesthetics which is why i separate the two.

characters > (gulf) > art ≥ story > music > animation

My Hero Academia
Dragon Ball GT

VAs > everything else

story > powergap > everything else

either characters or story is most important -- an overall plot that's really interesting but has fairly weak characters is still interesting, and a story with strong character interaction but with a weak plot is again, still interesting
art is the next big thing -- I have to fucking want to look it the screen, the overall aesthetic of the show is damn important
animation is lower than that, but not too far lower -- anime is animated
music is generally at the bottom -- good music really enhances an anime, bad music is appalling, but mediocre music can be ignored, unlike the others

How do you personally define 'story'?

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this has to be bait

The shit that happens.

Anime is about animation and 100% it has a source so it doesn't need to bother with story or characters. Animation and music should be the most important thing to anime. Boruto anime changed the art of Naruto anime and it recieved backlash but Mob Psycho didn't so who knows

Story: 0
Art: 0
Animation: 0
Characters: 0
Music: 5
Anime is for little girls. You're not a little girl, are you user?

I'm not gonna say, but I can assure you its smarter than what anyone else has to say

Characters are the most important for me. I can forgive everything else being shit if I'm attached to the characters.

mha has an awful story and great characters

>I only watch 5/5 anime but I can't name one

no shit sherlock

I mean if we really wanted to you have like 10 points to allocate to each category for an anime you would enjoy

>implying I was that other user

Also, I just named three, dickhead