One Piece

Now and forever, the 10 members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

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luffy doesn't count, faggot


Wrong pic user, also its 10 crew members+the captain

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What is Luffy's true dream, bros.

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Mihawk will job to the marines

>Luffy is not a member of his own crew

Not bad fanart. Captures certain aspects of Oda's style well. The background is SOULful.

He wants 10 not counting himself.
If you want more proof, Oda said he wanted it to be the size of a soccer team, which is 11 players. So we have at least one more member coming.

Name one (1) pirate crew more comfy than the Amigo Pirates.

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Bros... I'm not gonna make it... The 'rona breaks... The golden week breaks... The break breaks... There's so much left that needs to be covered and the Onigashima War is just the start of it...

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Wonder if that idiot from however many threads ago is around.

>we get a chapter next week
>but the week after is oda's break
>979 will likely leak early, resulting in a longer wait for 980
I wish OP wasn't so addictive

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>you could die at any moment before one piece ends

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I just wish we knew more about Kong. He keeps screwing with how long the series might be. Akainu may defect near the very end (will still be battled), and Kong may be one of the last standing figureheads of the WG. Akainu's a coldblooded murderer, and he'll never be just "good", but I do see him branching off from the WG. Anyway, Kong seems to be more militant than Sengoku, and he doesn't seem like a good guy. Bad by association, sure, but not outright horrible. I feel like he's ridiculously strong and doesn't have just some gorilla fruit or whatever. Kong's one of the wild cards of the series and I wish we'd see him at least once so we can know if Oda legit forgot about him or what.

In twenty years this character has never, EVER been useful

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needs to include Carrot

SaNafags hate Usopp and his glorious chemestry with Nami


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So you're saying Carrot still has a chance.


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(You) me next time, pussy. Usopp should've never returned to the crew

He directly saved Luffy from everyone in the world forgetting that he exists.

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He saved dressrosa twice

She’s not a member and would ruin the soulfullness of this group image.

She’s too irrelevant to be one.

Oh shut up, you know nothing about pain.

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Him loving merry saved the crew in skypiea and EL

I just wanna fuck a snake girl bros.

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Without him the crew would've gotten a different ship, we have no idea if the Merry hurt the SHs more than helped


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If Luffy recruited one character from each canon arc he was in (ignoring arcs where he already recruited someone), who would he probably get per arc?


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smoker will be 10th nakama


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captain kuro will be the 11th nakama