Do kisses really feel this good?

Do kisses really feel this good?

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If its a girl that you love yeah they do

This. The physical act of kissing isn't something special but the fact that you do something so intimate with the girl you love makes it great. You can even tell how much she likes you from the way she kisses.

I honestly, unironically think french kissing feels better than sex

It's because of how sensitive the tongue is,

that's why.

Only if you love the other person. What the other anons said.

Only girls think this. Hi femanon

im female (male)

Is he cumming from his head?

but also from his dick

yeah. kissing a person you like feels better than having sex with someone who you're kinda 'meh' about.

You mean ear licking.
I've literally never felt something as good as someone putting their tongue inside my ears, like holy shit.

OP, that warm, butterfly feeling you get in your stomach when you kiss someone you have a lot of feelings for, for the first time, is really something else.
As for everyone else in this thread, how can someone say that kissing is better than intercourse?
sure, kissing enhances sex, but it isn't superior.
kissing someone you love while fucking is really the best.
>putting their tongue inside my ears
AROUND my ears or the outside of my ears, sure. I don't want someone's tongue INSIDE my ear though... I've always been susceptible to ear infections though.

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>AROUND my ears or the outside of my ears, sure. I don't want someone's tongue INSIDE my ear though... I've always been susceptible to ear infections though.
That's something to consider for sure. But fuck man, it feels so good.


headpats are better

>Only girls think this
Not really?
See below:

By itself kissing isn't better than sex.
The deep kissing part of the sex is arguably better than the thrusting/penetration part of the sex.
For a number of reasons. The deep kissing is more varied rather than the rhythmic thrusting. Also feels much more lewd and intimate like how says.
OFC they are best together.

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Just hugging a girl you love feels better than sex with someone you don't care for ever could. The most intimate feeling in this world is playfighting with your gf while half naked and throwing her on the foam mats and holding her in a chokehold and feeling her saliva drip down her chin while you hump her from behind.

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>all these non-virgins
oh how far this place has fallen

This user gets it.

>holding her in a chokehold and feeling her saliva drip down her chin while you hump her from behind
Imagine loving your gf like a gorilla.

>Zig Forums virgins talking about kissing and sex

And it's not the what that makes it good it's the why.

Ask your mom

All the Zig Forumsnons that made it to 30 kissless already left for the wizard tower though

Friendly reminder you're literally a hundred thousands times more retarded than a lobotomy patient if you think having a gf will fix your life and "depression" or whatever you're afflicted with at the moment.

If it's a person's first love it will give them purpose, even if momentarily

We both do mma and her way of showing affection is lunging at my torso and attempting to twist my arms back so I think it's fair.

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fuck no, grossed me out

this thread is full of larpers