
>deeper and more interesting than Lain or HR
>no one talks about it
The dub was shit but so are most, it had a pretty interesting story for being so short.

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replying out of pity

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I chuckled when a student was hit by lightning. Fucking over the top curse.

Cooking anime is shit

good or bad rikka still cute

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When everyone started killing everyone and immediately forgetting the murders they just did I realized it was all worth it.

Is the manga any better?


Yes she is, how can you not love doll eye?

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The final plot twist is so fucking bad that it ruins the whole experience. In fact, last 4 chapters are absolute dogshit. Wasted potential

>The final plot twist is so fucking bad that it ruins the whole experience
I could use that line for almost any short show/manga ever.

Oh dear, please cover your lewd eye.

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>posting with that lifeless shit tier MC
I take it back, even lewd eye is better than this.

Lain was okay but there are a lot better.

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I just came for the pies



Izumi is such a fantastic girl. I'm glad she managed to make it through without dying - she threw up a lot of flags in that last episode, but she managed to pull through anyway.

I especially liked the ending, where everyone realized what a terrible character Mei was, so Sakakibara decided to hook up with Izumi. The last scene, where the two of them kissed on the ferris wheel, looking down at the town was really romantic. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who teared up a little bit.

Izumi simply gets things done. She's a girl who has the lives of all of her classmates riding on her shoulders. She carries that weight and won't let it break her. She values the lives of other people - she cares about what happens to them, and as they start dying, the knowledge that she's partially responsible starts to build up on her shoulders. But does she give up? No way. She just keeps going along, trying not to crack under the pressure.

This comes as a contrast to Mei, who, when Sakakibara talked to her, decided to talk back, dooming her classmates to a horrible death. She even knew who the extra was all along, but rather than say anything, she decided to let even more people die. In the end, the only reason she bothered to go stop the extra is because her classmates finally decided to kill her; she might not care if other people died, but once her life was in danger, then she'll do something about it. She's selfish and a sociopath.

Izumi however, didn't hesitate. She went to kill the extra when she (thought) she knew who it was. She wasn't going to let anybody else die. She's smart, beautiful, nice and mature. And to top it all off, she's a god damned hero.
She's a fantastic girl. And I for one am very glad that, rather than dying a senseless death in the last episode, she instead survived and hooked up with Sakakibara. She earned that little slice of happiness.

Haha pie meme is funny but seriously lain is shit.

this shit was garbage except for the girl that died at the end by the glass

Twintail girl was cute but fuck you

all I remember is the umbrella scene and the OP

Another was a fun-watch show with Zig Forums. Discussing mysteries, who was the Other, seeing all of the kids get trampled in that mansion. I fucking love Mizushima. He's never made a bad show, even the "less good" ones still had hilarious gore.

this show is terrible and that's what made it fun to watch with Zig Forums. I can't believe people who missed the threads actually watch this and don't drop it.

It can still be kind of enjoyed alone, but it'll never be the same. Remember Guilty Crown threads on Zig Forums? That show is impossible to watch without discussion.

>>no one talks about it
Maybe if you weren't a fucking newfag you would've been here when it aired.

>That show is impossible to watch without discussion.
Eh, I rewatched it a couple of years back and it wasn't completely terrible.

But was it hilariously entertaining? That's what made GC fun.

Kinda? It's not the same without the threads but knowing that it's entertainingly stupid sorta helps.