Prichan, Mewkledreamy and Aipare

Maria loves all cute things including you ainon!

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Other urls found in this thread:

aipare sucks

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 004 [36AA98F7].mkv_snapshot_10.49_[2018.04.30_00.04.48].jpg (1280x720, 99.2K)

Does she like bellies?

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Everyone should watch Prichan

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Jymmy told me that prichan sucks ass.

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Are the first two seasons of PR worth watching if I liked DmF for Mia and RL for the constant drama?

Ainon, you can't watch what doesn't exist.

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If you like Pretty Rhythm and the Pretty Series, you should go and watch them. It's worth it.

Oh no, it's THAT artist.

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Please do one for Wake Up My Music.

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Luminas is the worst main unit by far but they're so cute
Make food with Mel!

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I'm a pathetic loser

She is a crazy!

Why can't Mewkledreamy get its own threads?

You're free to make one, don't expect anyone using it though, it's an anime with nothing to offer for the common Zig Forums user.

>barely started
>on hiatus

The truth about /ai/ is that Aikatsufags are keeping the other shows stuck here because they need them to keep the threads alive. Truth is Mewkledreamy and Prichan could support threads just fine on their own.

Are you complaining about tomodachi after Jewelpet, Cocotama and Fairilu?

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priplebs know that they can't keep a thread alive by themselves.