Did anyone actually started playing Shadowverse, because of watching the anime?

Did anyone actually started playing Shadowverse, because of watching the anime?
Did it it's job?

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can you explain why i would start playing a digital collectible card game thats like 5 years within its lifecycle?

>anime hearthstone
i'll have to pass

Because Shadoba is tanoshii.
Didn't you hear the mc shilling it?


this loli is the best thing of that anime

it reminded me the game and made me download it again.
also dragoncraft master race

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Also don't forget that someone that plays shadoba can't be a bad person

You said it.

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i think this loli is just all kmr new found fetish put into one
>hip shaking

I started playing again after 2 years, so maybe.

I will just fap to her doujins.

God, I wish.

I've thought about it, since did anime did give me an urge to play a card game (and these days it has to be digital), but I picked MTGA since MTG is my favorite card game, has always been.
But I do miss how easy it was to make a good deck in Shadoba, I feel like MTGA is endless grinding to get the deck you want. Though I also dont know if my old deck in SV is viable or legal anymore.

Luna is already in a better game so why bother when I can just play that?

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It will happen. KMR wills it.

I stopped playing at least two years ago I believe, I had even spent money in the game so I could use the Iliya skin.

Dropped it a few minutes in.
Don't even remember why.

You may say about Blizzard what you want, but they always put a decent degree of effort into the story telling animations in their games.
Also HS >>> SW. Unfortunately.
Japan hasn't really gotten this digital F2P CCG thing down, despite being the country of physical TCGs.
They have even managed to fuck up turning YGO into one. Duel Links is flat-out not fun, and I played a lot of YGO in my youth.

Why not?
It won't get a huge amount, but kids shows usually get a decent amount of porn.

Yuck, how it feels to be 12 yo?


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Can we agree, she looks better in her casual clothes, than her stage outfit?

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What better game?

Hearthstone is better and you know it.

No idea

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Right, I haven't really looked into that too much but it didn't seem particularly interesting to me.

It's the same, but Shadowverse is cheaper.

Are you fucking kidding me? Maybe they did 15 years ago, but as time went on they try to save as much money as possible on animated movies. All you can expect from them now are trailers for new WoW expansions and other big releases like Overwatch or Diablo 4, and Diablo 4 will probably get like 2-3 more animated cutscenes tops. Everything else in all games is made with game engine or live 2D kinda animation, whatever you would call it:
Diablo 3 RoS doesn't even have a full blown cinematic at the end, just this shit
with the only bonus being a little bit at the end being character specific.
Not to mention everyone else can afford nicely looking cinematics nowadays as well, so it stopped being Blizzard's strong point roughly after Warcraft 3. SC2 and D3 still had some nice stuff but people cared less because the games underperformed and that stuff became more common in all games. Then Blizzard stopped caring themselves. Even Overwatch animated shorts aren't too impressive, they look like more polished game engine most of the time.

>Maybe they did 15 years ago
That was around the last time I played a Blizzard PC game, so yeah.
Fortunately never fell into the pit called WoW - all my classmates did back then, and I don't think it did them well.

The new expansion made me stop playing because it's boring.

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