What was her problem?

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Literally nothing; Makoto led her on.

Probably the size of her head combined with the size of her eyes leaving little room for brain?

Asshole got what he fucking deserved

Best ending

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Makoto was an asshole, but i think death is a punishment a bit too extreme for cheating.

Being worst girl ain't easy.

Being adapted poorly from the VN.
I'm so pissed they didn't keep making more stuff after Island Days and really flesh the universe out more.
It's not complete. GIVE ME FULFILLMENT.
One of the best series ever, though.

She knew he had a girlfriend, she agreed to help him "practice".

She wanted the dick bad.

Is 0verflow dead/disbanded?

All the murders and yandere stuff were anime-original right? Or were they in the games too?

The girls are even more crazy in the games, depending on the route however.

But what about Makoto and Sekai's death in the anime? Were those in the games too?

Does Shiny Days also have murder, or is that only School Days? What about Overflow's other games, like the games that had Makoto's dad as the MC?

Except she's the one who kissed him first, after she was already aware he was dating Kotonoha

I like how in the hentai they all have pubes, even Kotonoha and Sekai. It makes it really hot.

Yeah Makoto has sex with Kotonoha’s sister. Cooms in her cunny and gets a golf club to the head.

How does no one side with Sekai?

But they will side the girl who is on the phone with no phone for half of the anime because "SHE HAS TITS!"

People would side with Sekai more if they knew how to appreciate shimapan and pubes.

psycho delusional bitch, she is literally (You) user
and you're the antagonist, just please stay alone your entire life because we don't want to have another retarded kid become a murderer because muh feelings

>agrees to hook Makoto up with Kotonoha
>decides to start fucking him behind her back
Sekai was the trashest friend who ever trashed.

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100% this
Fucking mindgame playing bitch

Kotonoha is guilty of what? Being a little distant and cold, largely due to being brought up in a strict family?
Sekai on the other hand, sets him up with Kotonoha and then backstabs both Kotonoha AND her best friend Setsuna (this bit everyone seems to forget) by fucking him.
Makoto should've been a stronger man, but Sekai is still pure trash.

Best girl

she was too best

She hesitated before joining the threesome even when the other two were perfectly okay with it.

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But user, that’s Yuu

>Kotonoha is guilty of what? Being a little distant and cold, largely due to being brought up in a strict family?
She had many a bad thing user. She’s very possessive to the point of interfering in other routes. Bavarois Kotonoha has to be the outright worst while Two Lovers Kotonoha is best Kotonoha.

Essentially. There's now a channel by the name 0verflow that seems to be legit that pushes art and stuff out on twitter and a JP social network.
Shiny days was really good, so was School Days. Can't read nip, and I don't have a DS, so I haven't played Island Days. But I hear it's pretty good if you can get your hands on it.
The anime I never watched, mostly because I kept reading how inconsistent they were from the vn.
They needed a cash grab, and all they got was infamy because everyone hated the protagonist due to (apparently) poor writing.
So now they're broke. Might be for the best, but I wanted more VNs out of them, their "interactive anime" vn was great, the only thing I'll shit on them for was the HQ version still having 3d placeholder models. everything else was great.
But if VNs were popular, the world would certainly be very different.
And say what you will about the Anime, and I certainly won't watch it, but from what I hear they at least chose a dark, dirty, filthy story. That's really respectable to not pull a yu-gi-oh or TypeMoon move and just retcon your shit to make buxx.
They're the exact kind of developer who "deserves" your money. And that's exactly why they won't get it.

Why do people try to paint Makoto as the worst person ever just for having poor impulse control and taking the pussy that was constantly thrown at him? People always gloss over the part where nearly every girl was consciously going for him, knowing he was (supposedly) in a relationship, and continuing to do so when they knew other friends were really fucked up over it, like the midget did to Sekai, who did the same to Kotonoha?

I don't know. She's literally the best girl tied with Setsuna. She understands Makoto the best out of everyone, and will do everything he wants and desires.
The canon route has the two of them pregnant with his kid, so it's all good.
Really wish they did a "college days," "winter days," etc.
I'd fund them if I had the money, just to make them do it. Just to make everyone, everywhere, upset.

Because everyone, everywhere, in every sense of escapism, resents an actual no-shit Chad.
Makoto is just the ideal sexual male.
If anything, blame his dad. Makoto's not even the protagonist, his dad is, and is also the antagonist.