Who the fuck decided to put this anime on the /lit/ anime chart...

Who the fuck decided to put this anime on the /lit/ anime chart? The characters always try to have "deep" meaningful dialogues with absolutely no fucking buildup at all which turns up to a big huge pile of corny pseudo-intellectual cringe every fucking time. I'm already 9 episodes in and nothing relevant happened so far and there are only 24 episodes. The story is shit, the characters are shit, the animation is shit and the music is shit. Is there anyone who actually enjoyed this trainwreck of an anime ?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (313x470, 44.35K)

i didn't like it either but I think you had to watch the older anime to appreciate it.

>x is shit

Great argument

I'm ashamed to admit that I dropped this anime about ten episodes in. What's funny is that I was actually really loving it. The colors, the lighting, the mood, and the character designs were gorgeous. I loved how slow-paced and melancholy everything was. And yet, despite that, I just didn't keep watching.

Maybe I should try it again.

thats fair, it definitely had a great atmosphere and post-apocalyptic feel to it. thats the only thing i think i liked about it actually.

I like Casshern but I hated this anime. I think it looks bad and has terrible writing.

I literally stated multiple reasons why it's shit

you're right, and that's why it's a perfect fit for a /lit/ anime chart

The /lit/ chart if anyone was wondering

Attached: 1574974817808.jpg (2396x3430, 2.18M)

I liked it even though it does get corny often.

Did you finish it ? I hate dropping shows/anime. Also what did you like about it ?

Yeah I finished it. It's a slow burn, but it does pick up steam. I didn't love the very end, but the back half is definitely better than the first.

>filtered by Casshern

>he thinks Casshern is good

I watched it purely for the atmosphere.

>/lit/ anime chart
There are hundreds of crappy charts made by individual Zig Forumsnons. Never trust them.

Better just drop it.

>aoi bungaku
>petit cossette
I bet he didn't even watch half of this chart

That episode where the pink haired girl gets blacked in her imagination and realizes she loves Kasshan is absolutely kino

Never said anything about the chart. I just said the anime didn't belong there because of its forced "2deep4you" conversation with 0 context or buildup. Of course i didn't watch half of that chart though

The live action is actually surprisingly much better

I was talking about the author of chart, not you. My mistake tho, I didn't specify

Meh not a bad list.....

That was literally the worst episode of the show. I don't know which ED was in charge of it but he should be shot for making something so bad

I was watching Mushishi for a few episodes and enjoying it but then just stopped.
The mood was really great and it was well made but every episode was basically the same. Weird events and kind of sad characters.
Is it worth going into again or is it just more of the same?

The whole chart is bullshit. There is nothing literary about most of these selections. You're a fool, OP.

Which are then?

It's not the blacked part that's good. It's the tsundere realizing her feelings, accepting them and deciding to dedicate her last moments in the world to him and his journey

That's a very good selection, you're just being contrarian

The thing is, the literal next episode had basically the same thing. She realized she was in love with Casshern and wanted to continue the journey with him and that episode did everything much better which just made this garbage episode even more pointless

Legend of The Galactic Heroes was God-tier but everyone knows even contrarians they just need something to hate. The Twelve Kingdoms was good but the first arc was a bit boring and confusing because the author was introducing a lot of new stuff at one go. Monster was decent but it felt prolonged and the writer didn't know how to get stuff going from A to B and didn't know how to place his characters if that makes sense. I hate how characters would meet randomly very often with no reason at all. Some stuff on that chart aren't really /lit/, like Mononoke which is just a kino pop horror short anime and Shigurui which was a pretty good dark samurai atmospheric anime. Jin-Roh was so boring i couldn't complete it. The first Memories movie was decent, the second wasn't at funny as it was trying to be but it was decent aswell, both had great music but i couldn't complete the third movie even it being only 25 minutes long. Can't say anything about the other stuff since i haven't seen them

>music is shit