So, let me get this straight:

So, let me get this straight:

humans = proletariat
magic users = bourgeoisie
devils = capitalists

The message of the manga is that any attempt of proletariat to rise up is fundamentally rooted in resetnment of one’s lot in life and will end in tears without causing any real damage to the guys who are actually in charge as these guys are totally untouchable anyway, one should give up on silly ambitions and find happiness in the position fate had given him, or as we say, based and redpilled.

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Oh I didn't even take it as a political manga. Well, it's very japanese in that case, they're kind of push overs, but I think the manga doesn't really try to push a political message.

>Oh I didn't even take it as a political manga.

Come on, it was political as fuck from the start, not declaring it openly but not really hiding it either.

You'll always get out of it what you bring into it. Magic users and residents of Hole are near indistinguishable past a certain point in the manga. Can't even say using magic is the difference, considering the massive amount of magic users who can't do it either.

>magic users = bourgeoisie
Did you forget about the shit tier magic users that can't produce smoke or have stupid powers? What you say about humans and magic users can be applied to just the magic user's society alone.

>What you say about humans and magic users can be applied to just the magic user's society alone.

Confirms that it is deeply political. If Q Hayashida wasn’t seriously researching it she wouldn’t get this so fucking right.

>dorohedoro is political
I don't think it was the mangaka's intention since the start. It's clear she was just trying to do some world building.

No everything is about food. The end. mushrooms, strange meat pies, gyoza, ...

doro = mud
hedoro = slude

from mud to sludge,
the tittle itself is self explanatory to the ending.

It was about hole B V L L S becoming honorary magic users and then slamming Magic user poon so hard they can’t use magic no more, in revenge for what they did to whole.

there's no "from" in this construction

Think about it
>shin. Bangs No1, one of the highest tier Magic users and cousin to the ceo of Magic users.
>lizard face. RUINS the rarest type of magic user, to the point she can’t use magic anymore, cucks the ceo of Magic users.
It couldn’t be more clear

The only political message is that trannies are fucking joke that deserved to be laughed.

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Woah, it's just like Harry Potter when....

>shin. A nobody mutt from the hole. Recruited to the strongest organization of the Magic users. Has a top tier magic user waifu, who was going to ascend to devil hood, through it all away to chase his cock. Turns herself into an Amazon to fit his hobbies and tastes
>lizard face. Literal nobody autist. His whole life becomes one long revenge rape of the Magic users, culminating in him saving the Magic users just because there’s a cutie who’s been lusting after him who just happens to be one of them
Magic user holes belong to holetards is the entire premise of the story.

Noi and Shin are so wholesome.

I thought the message of the story was "Racism bad, friendship good."

En is way more based than your average proletariat anyway.

>Racism bad,
>When sorcerer killing/experimenting people in hole
>and keeping it to this day

This. Wish I had a shemale partner to murder people with, and never fuck tho, becuase ma’ams have cooties.

Not all sorcerers are assholes like that though. That's kind of the point.

>Want Dorohedoro to have a bigger audience so it can be more popular
>Monkey paw finger curls
>It's the Netflix audience

Attached: ishygddt.png (259x250, 100.01K)

It's not even on Netflix yet.

but the majority are.

>Want Dorohedoro to have a bigger audience so it can be more popular
why would you want that in the first place? it's finished already, it's not like there'd be a fear of it being axed or something.

No. There's nothing, textually or metatextually that would indicate any sort of allegorical reading...
Though you could make one for racism, I guess? But that's very weak.

The Promised Neverland on the other hand.... That's basically The Communist Manifesto The Manga/Anime.

Good luck telling them apart.

the Hole = White people
Magic users = Niggers

I really don't think so user.

Though I didn't think it was political, I did think the ending was a bit disappointing. Not because it didn't live up to my expectations, but because after all their sacrifices, after all the fight, everything remained the same with the sole difference that hole inhabitants will now have little "hole" idols that scare away magic users, other than that, the status quo remains the same and the worst part is that Kaiman fought for that status quo to remain like that.

Didn’t all the magic uses who didn’t happen to be so elitist they ignore hole completely die?
The curse of holes past was killed, and the god of the Magic users was turned into a baby.
Life was pretty chill after though yea, was more like a calm breath after having a really tight anus though.
What did you want them to do after? Drive space cars and have a dance party with little bipedal jungle koalas?