Tsugumomo Season 2

Episode 5 Sunao and Kotetsu

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Since this threads pretty much dead, how long does it generally take for new chapters of the manga to get translated? I just read through everything awhile ago and wonder how often I gotta check?

This is a monthly series which usually gets translated after a few days or so.

Also, too soon. Try again in six hours when the actual episode gets released.

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How and why did this get a second season if nobody is watching it?

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I have never read or watched this, but sometimes I click on the threads. It seems like literally every episode is about them bathing together and doing lewd things, is that what the entire show is actually about? Is there any plot at all?

the animation is absolute dogshit
I would trade the superior kaguya adaptation for a decent adaptation of tsugumomo

It's about one guy and his kimono belt and their encounters with other things turned to demons
basically monster of the week at first
but the plot thickens in the manga and it gets really good, paired with good art and good lewds. Also one of the main characters dies

Ah right, sounds cool. Thanks

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>Since this threads pretty much dead
Let's be honest...threads are dead because this series is carried by lolifags and without their uncensored vags, threads have zero discussion

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where nipple

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kinda screwed up that they adapted a manga where penis is shown , teen pussy is shown , and cum is shown often.

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When's she coming back in the manga though

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