Take me back to the 80s

When anime women who were portrayed as though actually looked the part.


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Wut? That's a fat ass

>you need to look tough to be tough
Caveman's logic.

In what fucking universe is that a fat ass?

Dude, look at it. It's big. It has no definition. Look at the creasing lines

It's sizeable, but I wouldn't say big. Also, it has a great, muscular shape.

what the fuck are you crying about
ass is more prevalent in anime than ever before

Not athletic asses like the one OP girl has

Let me ask you then, exactly where do you see the muscles?

You don't see the muscles unless the girl is a bodybuilder

You see definition

Saddest part is that we can't even count on western influence on anime to japan to back bring back delicious women because psychotic fatasses and trannies now run everything. Shit fucking sucks man.

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Yeah, that's why Trump is president. Dipshit.

Look if your asscheck is the size of your head, you've got a fat ass.

>muh sjw boogeyman

come off it.

What are you referring to?


And who's fault is that?

I'd rather have cute traps

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Subhuman detected


>you dont need to look tough to be tough

Semenslurper logic.

Homosexuals make up 1.5% of the population yet 50% of AIDS infected.

No, all anime girls should be 145cm and with barely budding breasts.

I hate the current anime industry every day more.

This is why I decided to never watch anything made after 2005.

I made a similar decision regarding not watching a lot of stuff made after 2000. There's outliers here and there, but for the most part I'm not gonna waste my time watching some stupid post-Love-Hina garbage.

Remember when anime had adult females, and they actually looked like adults?

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God bless I'm not gay

>Western = American
They're fucking trash and they will ruin anime the first chance the moment they get a foothold.

That's not a tough ass, though. That's a fat, squishy butt.