Thats it? really fucking underwhelming this is what you faggots and everyone else is hyping up to be so great...

Thats it? really fucking underwhelming this is what you faggots and everyone else is hyping up to be so great? What a disappointment. Music is great though.

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real folk blues

Everything but the last episode is amazing. Had the same reaction, I just pretend the entire crew died ina tragic accident and never finished it

While I did like some of the episodes, the one with Faye's tape especially, not really any of them add to the overall plot or give some decent enough characterization to justify their existence. I feel like the whole show could have just been a 2 and a half hour movie and it would have worked better.

It's very good but i was surprised too that it wasn't a masterpiece like some claim. Why do i see it compared to fucking Evangelion?
Episode 23 was great though and the best by far

It's a formula closer to western cartoon than anime which is probably why people in the west like it so much

I just came to this board to complain about Cowboy as well.
FUCKING NOTHING HAPPENS except on the last 2 episodes but it's too late by now, what the hell I think there was more plot in Drake & Josh than this

I think it probably would have been pretty mindblowing watching it week to week in '98. But I'm mostly with you. It was still good, and really comfy, and I liked the crew a lot.

Makes a lot of sense for sure, guess im fucked for being accustomed to eastern animation and structure and generally disliking western animation.
I can definitely see myself recommending it to normal fags that are starting out with anime though.

Don't forget about episode 5, that one was way too good for all the blue balling it did in hindsight.

>not really any of them add to the overall plot
Do you not know how episodic storytelling works?

I usually just call it monster of the week because that's what it is

Episodic storytelling doesn't mean that only one character out of the main cast gets any development, yet Cowboy Bebop did it.

The hype is largely about nostalgia and legacy. It's good, but greatest anime ever level hype is ridiculous. The music is fantastic, the art style is nice, and everything else is fine. 100% worth using as "baby's first anime" recommendations, also worth watching if you're interested in seeing a very influential anime, but beyond that it's nothing to get super excited about. It's very similar to stuff like the original Blade Runner movie: it's fine, but not great, it just has an overblown reputation due to how much it influenced later things and people being nostalgic about it.

Why not compare it to Evangelion? That's also a laughably overhyped anime that has a couple good points but is otherwise just okay.

>Music is great though.
I didn't like it and the music in it. Overrated toonamiboomer show.

I can't think of any western cartoon remotely like it.

Don't meet your heroes. I love Bebop but I also don't ever hype it up because it's either going to make people into insufferable "this isn't as good as Bebop" assholes or it's going to disappoint with not being that mindblowing 12/10 show.

It reminded me of Futurama a lot to be honest

>that has a couple good points but is otherwise just okay
If one point in Eva is good that makes the entire show good, since everything revolves around the same crucial aspects. Doesn't matter if its the last three or first episode they all have their point and reason to exist. Cowboy Bebop could have just been the first and second episode, the fifth episode and the last two episodes and absolutely nothing of value would have been lost.

There's "Monster of the week" anime that still have a plot, I just wish CB was like that. I noticed it last week when I decided to watch Kimetsu no Yaiba, at some point I stopped to ask myself
>Wait this guy just travels from town to town finding demons to kill
But... it still feels like progress, because he's advancing. He has the goal t o heal his sister and is moving forward and getting missions.
The middle of all Jojo anime as well is all about fighting random assassins sent by the Main Boss of the season, but you're progressing towards said Boss. There's a goal and you find a hint here and there about a plot.
ONE PUNCH MAN was damn successful being episodic but somehow every episode felt like a continuation of the previous one.

Cowboy would benefit so much if all episodes were done as 2 parters or he had an established main-goal to remind us we're going somewhere.
Something like
>Yeah I wanna find the perfect Cowboy Hat
and have him say something about it every few episodes

Then try Outlaw Star where they do have a certain goal they want at the end.

>he had an established main-goal to remind us we're going somewhere
They literally had it in their hands all they had to do was make Spike eager to finish up with his past. The dude hears the word Julia and drops everything the second there is a chance of meeting her but as soon as the episode ends he doesn't give a shit anymore. It's retarded.

>Why not compare it to Evangelion? That's also a laughably overhyped anime that has a couple good points but is otherwise just okay.
No fuck you, Eva is a legit masterpiece and this is coming from someone who saw it at the beginning of this year. It has themes about the nature and evolution of humanity, how people tend to build their lives around the fear of how they're seen by others, etc. It's definitely not like Bebop which while good is just bounty of the week 95% of the time.

Honestly i don't have a problem with monster of the week episodes being kind of standalones in the narrative, even if it doesn't directly affect the plot it's still doing worldbuilding. That's also why i don't have a problem with western cartoon either.

World building that doesn't carry any cohesion, themes or impact is completely worthless on a storytelling level. So exactly what it is in CB, the first episode is the only bounty that does anything worthwhile and even then it's a stretch.

That's some odd logic there. One good thing + clear plot arc throughout = good anime? I don't think so. By that logic all you'd need is a good art style and a basic but clear plot to make a good anime, and there are countless examples of that not being true. Negative points drag down the positives, so just one or two positives may not be good enough to make a given anime overall a good one.

wow this board still can't into episodic anime

Worldbuilding isn't really a plot thing, it's its own thing really. Some people like to know a lot about what's going on in the universe of the show they're watching, even among elements that aren't relevant to the plot.

Let me rephrase myself then. The theming in Eva is exceptionally good, all aspects of the plot are focused on telling the story through them. There is no filler in Eva, take one thing out and you are missing an important part of the picture. So when you tell me that Eva has some good points I just have to think, why like only a few when they are all saying the same thing? Of course you can disagree which is fine I'm trying to be not as autistic as most people on here.

>Eva is legit a masterpiece
That's cute. Having themes =/= masterpiece, or even good. That shit was a pain to watch with all the im12andthisisdeep level of philosophical circlejerking around those themes. Most of the latter half was packed with psychology crap Hideaki Anno read a book about mental illness and thought it was neat, basically the same level of cringe as a Psychology 101 student trying out psychoanalysis of their friends after attending a week worth of classes. Shit man, the penultimate episode of the original run of NGE alone was enough to make me laugh at anyone who claims it's any better than a 7/10 anime, and I think that's being far more generous than it deserves.

>all the im12andthisisdeep level of philosophical circlejerking around those themes
Such as?

Eva is a poorly written mess with Anno making shit up as he went along

>Anno making shit up as he went along
Such as?

That is true yes, but it is somehow still very conclusive and satisfying even with it's abstract themes and storytelling. Dude deserves a medal for pulling it off somehow.