
So would things have been better or worse for AC if Aleister made it mandatory for the level 5s to meetup in a level 5 club room for a few hours every Friday upon reaching level 5?

Attached: the level 5 club.jpg (1500x1061, 1.5M)

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But why would he do that?

Why wouldn't he do that?

>The Level 5 Club

Attached: misaka-gonna-be-may.jpg (500x506, 80.26K)

Except pointing out Touma's self-destructive tendencies and his hypocritical attitude about his own ideals is something Mikoto did as early as OT16.

The added advantage Will had to make Touma listen was that he was already broken, and Will had an idea about what affected him in the Omega world, she was watching him there and had herself experienced it.

user asked a good question though. For what purpose would he want to gather all the level 5s in one room every week? Doesn't seem like a productive use of time desu.

All I can see it being useful for is some sort of sociology experiment, and I feel it would be segregated due to particularly strong feelings the others hold for eachother. Kakine and Accelerator together would cause them to blow the roof skyhigh, Gunha wouldn't be too far behind them trying to inject guts into them. Mikoto would be verbally assaulted by Misaki and physically assaulted by Mugino

Experimentation to see what happens. Kind of like Gensei at the thought of #0 & #7 fighting L5.3

At best, they become nakamas and/or you see explosive growth from the L5s. At worst you see some interesting and maybe a few of them lose arms or get turned into refridgerators.

Put komoe there as chaperone

Nope. Also works pretty great for movies.

Attached: accel idol level 5s high school movie.jpg (1080x1509, 268.25K)

Accel idol doesn't count. It flanderizes characters, with Kakine becoming a narcissist rather than a self loathing freedom seeking dude. Only Mikoto, Misaki and SoL Accelerator are correct portrayals.

I want to turn Accelerator into a loving husband and father

At least just play that IGB May Anthem.

Attached: gonnabemay.jpg (592x695, 73.5K)

Gunha is 100% the same.
Mugino is pretty close too.
Yanderes are a fine line from great to crazy.
You can say much of the shit that happened during BR+WW3 was yandere Mugino.

So it's only kakine being less shitty. It doesn't change his core being an edgy raging chuuni.

Attached: mugino accel idol.png (2048x1258, 1.21M)

Depends on the objective. It could work, if the goal is to gradually get them acquainted, have them start getting along and have them become a team like the Avengers or something.

Of course, this would only work if he isn't scheming shit in the background like causing more tension between the Level 5s every other day.

If the goal is specifically to gather some of the most volatile people in the city for shits and giggles, the end result is that building becomes a several city-block wide barren wasteland at the minimum and the Level 5 population drops to 2 or 3 (because Accel's too strong and Kakine and Gunha have too much spite and GUTS respectively to die).

>the Level 5 population drops to 2 or 3
#3 probably won't get involved with a fight to the death if it wasn't because of the clones.
#2 probably gonna die because #1
#4 might die just because she'll jump into the fight
#5 not that likely to die because she tends to be less violent and can't fight to begin with and will probably leave
#7 probably won't die, but might get pretty fucked up once he fights #1

All in all
#1 #5 and #7 probably live
#4 and #2 most likely to die
#3 really depends on her situation with #1


Kakine will never die so long as a need for Dark Matter exists in this world.
#1, #2 and #7 would clash in such a way that if in an isolated room, #4 and #5 die or just barely get away. Mikoto gets away and thinks she's hot shit, tries to join in and after a brief scuffle gets pushed out of the battle or floored by the battle between Super Espers.

>Kakine will never die so long as a need for Dark Matter exists in this world.

Attached: toaru kek u mad.png (1050x550, 873.36K)

What this user said.
MisaMisa, Mugino and Aihana are just collateral if the fight happens in an enclosed space like in OP's pic.

If you guys get back to the original point. It's that the clones aren't just to wank #1 & Touma. Touma being at the point where he's mentally broken and has to have WILL bail him out just goes to show that Touma was the one jobbing to wank WILL. It's not always #1 & #0 saving the sisters. They help in their own ways.

Which is why Index is worst girl.

You're too young to be posting here LO

There's a fanfic about that actually fanfiction.net/s/11493140/1/Super-Seven

LO should go back to Toaru Kenkyuu Kikan no Niman Ichi-gou.

Attached: p72cjghfudw41.jpg (1190x839, 191.6K)

>far left not mini-fridge

Attached: Kamikoto.png (783x947, 612.94K)

>MUGINO gets away and thinks she's hot shit, tries to join in and after a brief scuffle gets pushed out of the battle or floored by the battle between Super Espers.
That literally happened except she got floored by a L0 before the big guys started fighting.

thank you, user. i was asleep when you posted this in the last thread, but i appreciate your help.

Reminder that Accel doesnt even need to do calculations to reflect

Then why he depends on necklace and clone network?

So... what is Imagine Breaker EXACTLY?

An exorcism tool that used in case a summoning goes wrong and sends that summon back to where it belongs, also useful to ward off against the sparks caused by magic as some sort of umbrella

Oh. So there's something else in his body? I just watched Index back then. Some friend told me something about dragons and such. But it sounded a bit too much

IB was just a seal