What was going though his mind this exact moment?

What was going though his mind this exact moment?

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>I just don't understand

>I should've got a different kid

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"What the fuck just happened this makes no fucking sense how did Homura become as strong as Madoka that was never a thing, was the writer high when he wrote this? Seriously what the fuck was that asspull, it's like they absolutely had to make that one character win for some reason, almost like a group of people they were trying to pander to had elected her as the best character"
Or basically youtu.be/WYY7YM3E9aw?t=502

poor thing..

t.white devil jewbey


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Why couldn't he just choose a different girl for the experiment?

It makes perfect sense actually, and failure to understand Rebellion boggles the mind. It's 2020. You had SEVEN YEARS worth of rewatches to figure it out. I must have watched Rebellion hundreds of times by now, in every state of consciousness possible and in every mood. I don't know, maybe you never got an education. You're not learned enough to recognize the themes.

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the space jews got what they deserved

>I ate a turd hundreds of times
Thanks for sharing

Post your Goodreads account.

I totally understand Rebellion user. Rebellion is made to make fun of the fandom. It literally shows the fan favorite character (representing the fandom) turning the series into fanfiction. That's also why the ending made no sense and was just fanservice garbage, because it makes fun of fanfiction.
It's bad but it's bad on purpose. It's also the Homestuck epilogues of anime.

Posting it every time you get the chance doesn't make your fanfiction misunderstanding of the story truer

Akumura trips calling out the repeat offender
You don't have to like Rebellion but if you hate it and don't even understand it, you're doing yourself a disservice.

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>I hate my life


That's the only "deep" interpretation of Rebellion. If it isn't that then it's just fanservice garbage with asspulls all over the place.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Madoka Magica

Why didn't they just prey on dying people? Seems like they ask less questions

Rebellion is shit but fuck you for importing reddit memes here

Fanservice is good, it means the creators cared about what I wanted and had had me in their thoughts when they designed the product. Warms my heart.

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Reddit meme or not it perfectly encapsulates the unlikable smug guy who thinks he's incredibly intelligent, who this anime seems to get a lot of.

I don't know why those particular people love this show so much.
The people who write multi post essays on philosophical references that may or or may not actually have been intentional and the people who say "sequel bad, pandering bad" are both equally shite
Discussion is pointless anyway, it's just the same arguments from the same people for years on end. This show is almost a decade old. The best threads are just waifu circlejerks.

>"pandering bad"
Fuck you, fanservice is ruining this industry

Fanservice is propping up what's left of an industry that was already ruined long before Madoka. It's the only thing keeping this shit alive. You can choose to accept it or turn your face away from it. I will agree that pandering is standing in the way of recovery, but recovery isn't realistic anyway.

You cannot name one thing he did that was morally wrong

He didn't come out of the TV screen to grant me a wish and make me a cute magical boy

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Yes it fucking is, quality over fanservice has been done in the past, you don't just pretend there's no problem because trying to make things better is too hard. God i wish this braindead ass community would have understood Haruhi at the time instead of pretending to be fans of it. I wish higher IQ people would get interested in anime and i wish guys in suits would be aware that those people exist.

Homus wish was never ever granted and she broke hard enough at the end that despair alone was no longer enough to accumulate a fatal curse. Her karmatic balance was stacked purely on the suffering side and nosedived far past the usual cutoff point. By the time it finally it finally hit the breaking point her karmatic debt was ready to explode rather than collapse.

Pure fantasy. Industry received it's fatal blows starting with (or culminating with depending on your viewpoint) the absolute cancer that was eva and never recovered. Not even going into outside factors like the economy throughout the years. You complain about IQ and guys in suits but the most intelligent people are creators, not just consumers, and they value money over artistry. There will never be a return to greatness. Whatever greatness there was, was fleeting. It was a fluke. I'm not saying good anime can't be made but you need to be realistic. The industry is fucked for quality and there's nothing we can do. We're not even the audience for 90% of the shit that comes out.
Just read manga honestly.

Yeah so basically it's a deus ex machina.
>Homus wish was never ever granted
Yes, it was. It's said at the end of the series. Madoka will always be by her side.