
Today is Ciel's birthday! Say something nice to her, Zig Forums
Remake when?

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Happy birthday best girl.
Also I hope the remake never happens. Just let it be a thing of the past.

Bow a cutie!

Worst girl

Worst girl
Worst route

>Remake when?

h-hopefully so...

I agree her route is shit but as a character she's a total bro. Also she's hot

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>she's a total bro
No she's not. She made Shiki paranoid in all routes. And look at bad end. This is most retarded shit she did.

Nope fuck you, terrible character her route literally exists just to give Arc more screen time.

you are too optimistic

her route was the best you fags

it has to drop this decade, right?

>she's a total bro
She pulls some pretty shitty dick moves. I know she has her circumstances, but her "ends justifies the means" approach to everything is probably one of the main reasons she doesn't have as many fans as the others. She can be genuinely unpleasant at times, especially how she casually manipulates the people around her to achieve her goals.

I don't want modern Type Moon getting their dirty hands on Tsukihime.
They can choke on their gambling money for all I care.

top nun

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Not really. She was constantly sidelined in her own route and Nasu couldn't hide how much he'd rather just be writing Arcueid's route again.

Ciel True is, however, the best ending in Tsukihime.


To be fair, Nasu said Tsukihime R was under play-testing in an interview last year and FSN15th exhibition displayed about 20 new CGs of the Remake. At the very least, i think it should be released before 2022 aka TM 20th Anniversary Fes.

>Ciel True is, however, the best ending in Tsukihime.
Nah that would be Hisui True

That's my second best so I applaud your good taste.

so have you guys gotten used to the Remake design yet?


Nasu said
>Tsukihime 2 after Tsukihime remake
>Tsukihime remake after Mahoyo anime
>he's not interested in Mahoyo anime until he finishes Mahoyo VN trilogy
>It's been almost a decade since Mahoyo
There you go.

FGO killed old TM. Nasu's too busy spending his otakubux doing cocaine off jk hookers to focus on VNs and writing.

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I've been long used to them. I wasn't extremely attached to the old designs anyway, so it's not like changing things around would have ever particularly bother me all that much. For instance, if they were to change Saber's design a bit to make her seem more in line with the rest of the Knights of the Round, I wouldn't really complain.

To begin with, I've never really cared for the whole "characters always wear the same thing because it's convenient" shit. If characters always wore different things like actual people, no one would be complaining.

It's funny how most of these power levels aren't even relevant anymore

The remake designs are now as old as the original designs were at the time of the remake announcement.

How sad!

Arc's redesign is still garbage.

>For instance, if they were to change Saber's design a bit to make her seem more in line with the rest of the Knights of the Round, I wouldn't really complain.
Whoa there cowboy

It's funny how Medea is the weakest servant yet above Kojiro and Medusa is canonically weaker than Archer in HA/FSN and yet above him. Also Cornelius/Shirou etc are above Rin even though Nasu says Rin is more powerful

The chart is so shitty

I never hated Remake designs. Even Arc's skirt.

Also, Saber herself says in HA that she only won the fight because she had a master and Archer didn't. He should be up there with Iskander.

NuArc's skirt is far from the most egregious thing about that garbage redesign.

Doesn't matter anymore since FGO made them are irrelevant anyway. Gil is a fucking pebble these days