Dumb airhead girls are the sexiest

Dumb airhead girls are the sexiest

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I dropped this.
It was getting really annoying to read.

Was she actually really pretty in-universe?

Except she isn't an airhead.

retards are cute

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Yes she is

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She had boys who liked her, so sure. Probably more on the average side though.

Multiple guys wanna fuck her so yes

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This is what love is

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Very much so.

It's just that she's an autist with barely any presence most of the time.

that's not a good measuring stick user, hs boys tend to fuck anything that moves

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Post the original version


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I'm reading it now and if you power through the annoying phase it becomes really fun

Annoying phase? I dropped it in when it became about baseball. Is that what you mean by annoying phase?

She's not dumb.

but even the baseball is quite good. Fairly short and adds a bit of drama without making the characters revolve around it.

I was surprised by the baseball detail as well and I am not really sure why it's there but I didn't mind because it's gripping anyway. It makes you really appreciate Yugami's motivation when you have experienced him actively working firsthand.

i'm a yuropoor that gives 0 shits about baseball and i absolutely adored this manga
yesi actually liked the baseball manager more looks-wise, loved the bangs+slanted eyes+bun combo

How many chapters does it go for? I was under the impression that more than half of the manga consisted of it.

>i'm a yuropoor that gives 0 shits about baseball and i absolutely adored this manga
This, I don't get it how that could be so much of a turn-off for someone.
I dunno, one volume? There are other matches later on though. Also it depends on what you classify as "a part about baseball". Does it even qualify if they're just training and doing stupid bullshit on the field?
As I said it's kind of a weird thing to be annoyed by, after all you're meant to follow the characters, not strictly the baseball game by itself.

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>As I said it's kind of a weird thing to be annoyed by, after all you're meant to follow the characters, not strictly the baseball game by itself.
Because for the first 20 chapters or so baseball is virtually non-existent. Just an autist being based and normal folks having a hard time dealing with him. Then the boring baseball shit rears it's ugly head in pretty much becoming the focus.

user this is a manga about the daily life of the high schoolers Yugami and Chihiro
Anybody who went to high school and played varsity would tell you that’s exactly what it feels like
You don’t notice it at first but its presence starts looming in, even if overall its not a focus point at all

Yugami wanted her. That should tell you she's high quality.

>manga starts one way, changes course
>part of the audience is annoyed by it
>user #1 that's not the sharpest tool in the shed is confused as to way
>retard user #2 misses the point and needlessly and very pretentiously defends it
Keep fighting the good fight.

I think she was at least average.
I think any sane person would want a Chihiro even if she were below average in looks, though. She's simply that good, the perfect wife.

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Point isn't that anyone would want her, it's that she's the only one that wasn't filtered by him.

the focus shifts more towards yugami (early chapters are from chihiro's perspective) and you get more baseball because that's one of the only things that gets him to interact with people
if you really can't stand having baseball in the manga sure drop it, but it's not that bad, i'm and the baseball stuff is 1) well written to be engaging 2) it's not a sports manga, the baseball's there to show you how yugami the ultimate loner deals with people in a team sport

yugami is based as fuck

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I loved that dumb :D face she always made

Was he born autist or did one-chan mold him into autist?

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sure, if you're terrified of someone seeing right through you

You could've just said airhead girls.