All anime girls should be flat chested and of small stature

All anime girls should be flat chested and of small stature.

Attached: 45f581d3486eb8b8dbd880892c0ce25e loli.jpg (1269x2197, 171.44K)

That's right.

Attached: 01e.jpg (1136x640, 180.6K)

Get frostbite.


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What would Konata do with the IG?

If all girls were like that, it would be oversaturated. Variety makes the ones who are like that more special.

Turn everyone into anime girls.


>All anime girls should be under 12 years old, flat chested, and of small stature
Fixed that for you, midgetfucker.

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>Being such a faggot taht you won't fuck a eternal loli.
Cringe, user.

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>eternal loli
Sorry, I'm not into grannies like Senko. I only like little girls. Loli is more than a body type.


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Loli is more than age.

Attached: 9.png (909x806, 294.22K)

Loli is about peak fertility

Attached: 092.png (693x626, 460.05K)

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How can I get a cute and pure half-ling gf if I'm still a virgin? Please, I really need one, desperately...

You can't tempt me.

You can't.

Attached: Loli holding a dildo.jpg (1200x675, 69.37K)

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But I want one. It's literally the only thing I want in life... I'd give anything to have a gf like her. I wanna buy her to get her out of sexual slavery and provide her a nice life so she doesn't have to worry about anything.

How do I get a halfling gf?

Attached: 1579993841273.jpg (1195x1198, 771.8K)

Loli is a body type

Yes, and everyone in the would should have that body type.
Keep trying and you will get one someday.

Attached: dfghjklñ´ç.jpg (1280x720, 297.82K)

Attached: dfghjkljhgf.jpg (1280x720, 337.61K)

Attached: fghjkl.jpg (1280x720, 416.77K)

Short and flat women are not children.

I wish I could date or even fuck a cute, tiny, fresh-to-the-game newbie.

>Short and flat women are not children.
For the internet they are and sites like Rule34 and Gelbooru will make sure to remove them or hide them at the very least, at least Japan is based and Pixiv doesn't remove any of the flat small chested girl porn.

>I wish I could date or even fuck a cute, tiny, fresh-to-the-game newbie.
You need to magically turn into a loli to do it.

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I wish I were a cute loli dog girl

Attached: Literally me.png (580x900, 750.86K)

Smol girls are cute.

Attached: Hideri.jpg (425x700, 109.69K)

I wish I was a loli too, we all wish that user.


That's a boy, But he got a cute butt so I would anyways.

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