Phantom Requiem for Phantom

Again this was so depressing, Fuck, why cant we have nice things for once

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After I watched the anime I played the PC port of the VHS port of the VN. It was censored and buggy as hell but what a ride.

What did you like more? The VN despite the bugs or the anime?

This was like the most meme show ever, but in a good way


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I thought the series was so-so, but damn those credit scenes and song got me badly

Ein was pretty yummy

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why was the second half so not that good

>you will never be brainwashed into a master operator

They gave that 10 year old big boobs after like two years.

It used the shittiest tropes.

>00's Urobuchi
You should have known what you were getting into, user.

>phantom requiem

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Funnily enough, Urobuchi's original VN ending was happy(ish), I'm not sure if it was his idea to make the anime ending worse, or someone else's.
As much as I hate the anime ending it was probably necessary to properly translate the story from VN.

The VN 100%. Play it if you can, I really only liked the first third of the anime and of course that ending

>After I watched the anime I played the PC port of the VHS port
What of the what now?

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she got super-tall too

I actually kind of liked how stereotypical and crappy the school characters were. It made it feel like Ein & Zwei had infiltrated some shitty slice of life anime

The publishing company decided to make the VN a VHS game instead of porting it to PC. Of course someone got it to work on pc but it was a mess (dialogue couldn't be fast forwarded, subtitles wouldn't show up unless i paused on the media player, no saves and instead had to enter in codes for checkpoints etc). No regrets, 10/10 game

Sounds 2000 as fuck. And apparently that version got released in the west with a shit translation?

>VHS game
I think you meant DVD game.

Hey wait, is there a VN for this?

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You do realize this was written by Urobuchi.
God I wish the original eroge got a translation.

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Yes but it's not worth playing. It's highly censored and half the routes are cut. Not to mention it isn't a "real" VN because our version is just a DVD recording.

>I actually kind of liked how stereotypical and crappy the school characters were. It made it feel like Ein & Zwei had infiltrated some shitty slice of life anime
2meta4me. They shouldn't be changing the genre to pastiche in the middle of the show.

i had to think fairly hard what the anime ending was since the last arc was particularly bad and non memorable. now i'm sad.

>Phantom of Inferno gets an anime but not a translated VN
>Saya no Uta gets a translated VN but no anime
Explain this shit Urobuchi.

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She's beautiful

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This anime I had seen 10 years ago.

I never understood the end well.

>but no anime
Because it's loli porn.

He gets shot by dude passing by(probably assassin from organization) and theory for her was she touched poisonous flower or something

That's not a good excuse.