My waifu can beat up your waifu

My waifu can beat up your waifu

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she looks stinky

Are you sure about that?

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You sure about that? My waifu has been known to rip street signs out of the ground to use as bludgeoning weapons.

all smokers are stinky


i forgot about that. tobacco stink is nasty.

Pro my pretty dry too. Wouldn’t trust whatever she’s wet with.

>kills you with 30mm anti-tank cannon
>drinks your blood
>eats your bullets like they're candy
>her sensei is a stylish pimp and king of vampires
>works for the Queen herself
>ate a frenchman

nothing personal, kid

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Sorry, user.

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I want her to suck my dick and eat my cummies.

>waifuing a slut
Sorry, but I prefer my badass women to also be confirmed virgins.

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based and virgin-pilled.

My waifu could turn her into a red mist in less than a second.

My waifu could accidentally erase your waifu from existence because she spilled coffee one day.,


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Wow user your wife can beat up a corpse I am so impressed

Are you sure?

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Zig Forums should make a waifu tournament.


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LOL you wish.

Your waifu WOULD have a good go, but that'd just make my waifu stop pretending and go full-power on her.

And then your waifu would know pain, and death.

unless the timer on my waifu ran out

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It's never a fair game.
What about waifus who can just be replaced by infinite clones of themselves?
What about waifus like who are stupidly overpowered?

I don't think so

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So smug

my waifu is god. you cant beat up something that doesnt exist
>4d chess

In a straight up fistfight? Probably, but I figure she might play dirty.
Why would they fight though? They would be better off talking about work.

It's an obscene odor indeed.

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quite funny user,
wanna mess with the moscow?

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oh no filgabros we got too cocky

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