How do I know which anime to watch and which to skip. I don't have enough time for the 3 episode rule

How do I know which anime to watch and which to skip. I don't have enough time for the 3 episode rule.

For example I found this gem a few days ago and I'm appalled it's rated so low on MAL.

Is there another site I can use for anime ratings ?

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Boogiepop gets fucked by the three episode rule because the first novel was adapted badly with the first episode removing every last fucking bit of context since the narration was important, but the rest of the series was solid since the later books don't rely as much on inner monologues.

MAL is shit, and I'm pretty sure the old days where you'd find a review blogger that matches your taste are dead and impossible now so if you don't have enough time for the three episode rule I suggest just lurking Zig Forums and seeing what other anons like.

This is pretty much what I do. I lurk and when I see people talking about a anime that seems interesting I add it to my backlog.

And if you want to expand taste a bit head over to /m/ and see what they're talking about. /m/ pretty often talks about older shows since there are so few mecha shows airing any given season so it's a great place to lurk and find new content.

Hot damn.
I wish Zig Forums also had something like /rym/

>I don't have enough time for the 3 episode rule
try one episode and if you don't like it drop it

I would have missed stuff like Made in Abyss for example.

>I have this hobby I like, how can I invest as little time and effort in it without forming my own taste?
Normalfags are lower than cattle I swear

fuck you nigger not all of are can afford being non-wagies all their life

All indexing sites are garbage. The anime community is filled with normalfags with shit tastes. Don't let other people decide for you, make your own experience, even if you end up watching bad anime, it doesn't matter, you can just move on to something else.

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Yea thats MAL, or if you want the elitists (like rym) anidb

Both of those are shit though. An anime indexing site will only ever be even usable when Haruhi 2009 have an average score over 9/10, but that's never going to happen because plebs are a way too big part of the community. AniDB is really no different than MAL. Every MAL clone is shit.

>Haruhi 2009 9/10
Wow now i know what is wrong with you.
But just ignore scores on the sites, it isn't that hard.

Is having a brain considered wrong now? By the way, i'm saying 9/10 because it's an average, but objectively speaking Haruhi 20019 is a 10/10 and easily one of the best anime ever made.
Also fuck you, i don't want to be affiliated with normalfags, and OP literally asked for something that would tell him what is worth watching.

Literally just watch enough until it loses your interest. 3 episode rule is retarded when so many anime are way too shit to justify 2 minutes of my time. Chances are, you'll always be right, and if not, you'll hear otherwise.

Well you have terrible taste so it doesn’t really matter what you pick


Going by Zig Forums's opinions? All you'll ever watch is moeshit.

I never said I take their opinions at face value, just as a way to find things that might be interesting. There's nothing saying you can't judge whether an user's taste will be compatible with yours based on the thread and even just using discussion to find shows with interesting premises can be useful.

I'm going to assume the former since you said moeshit, outing yourself as a shounenshitting tourist

Dunno what happened with the visual direction of the anime. Just go read the novels.


Incorrect. And I like moeshit just fine. But it's all Zig Forums can ever agree upon.

MAL and Zig Forums are best websites for this
Just ask what is r*ddit and what is not. Don't watch r*ddit anumes

What's wrong with shounen?

Even a tourist would know better

Broading appealing bullshit attracts normalfags and tourists. Insert naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind.

Have friends

But MAL is reddit user. It's the same people browsing both sites.

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you don't. its always gonna be a gamble

Would never work because you can't have a baseline 3/5 "yeah I put this on for an hour and my ears didn't bleed" for visual media. Also most of the anime audience/community is completely retarded and literally cannot watch series in specific subgenres without pulling their hair out

We really just going to sit here and pretend like Zig Forums would actually be much different?