So their passing is supposed to be their death, right?

So their passing is supposed to be their death, right?

Attached: haibane_renmei_08[h264.vorbis][cestfait].mkv_snapshot_05.21_[2020.05.03_03.14.38].jpg (704x480, 42.94K)

haibane renmei is SO mcuh better and deeper than Lain. Its so good.

I mean they're not even about the same thing, but okay. Haibane Renmei is definitely more important to the human soul, but Lains relevance to modern digital society cannot be understated.

yeah my bad, i just wish this series got more praise.

>Haibane Renmei is definitely more important to the human soul

whatever that means. sort of arrogant to assume humans even have souls.

Yeah I've only really seen it posted here about once a month or so. The conclusion of the character arc of Reki actually answered a philosophical question about redemption I have had since I was, like, 7.

>tips fedora

Well if you're going to be a little pedantic nigger, by "soul" I usually mean the collection of all a humans non-fleshy elements. Emotions, the intellect, instincts, etc. Everything to do with the mind and what goes on in our heads, and the conflicting things within it.

Soul is not well defined enough to judge one way or the other and is more useful poetically than technically.

getting upset at others' spiritual beliefs is a sign of immaturity, user. grow up.

do you mean the day of flight?

>getting upset at others' spiritual beliefs is a sign of immaturity, user

>sips mountain dew

alright. what does that mean in the poetic sense then? still seems like a vague statement, where the poster just assumes/desires others to intuit what they mean or read their bloody mind. I've noticed this happen a lot. Doesn't seem like language is all that helpful a lot of times. Like it leads to more misunderstandings than it helps clarify.

>Like it leads to more misunderstandings than it helps clarify.
It doesn't. You just need to shut the fuck up, fedora.

I'm not upset. Merely pointing out a fact. If you found my post so distasteful simply ignore it.

>*farts in your face*

>he wears a fedora

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I don't understand.

>what does that mean in the poetic sense then?
To me it's pretty clear, I explained it hereBut I don't really want to have a retarded religious debate, I even considered using mind until I realized soul was a little more accurate to what I meant. So shoo and find another thread to shit up with your little pointless squabbles about whose religion is right or wrong. I really don't give a fuck, it's not like any of you will ever convince the other of anything.

They are in purgatory, so...

same user. hilarious.

Yes, that is what I figured. They make it pretty clear by the end. I wish the raito hadn't been fucked up but I was watching the DVD version.

Attached: haibane_renmei_06[h264.vorbis][cestfait].mkv_snapshot_15.47_[2020.05.03_02.03.16].jpg (704x480, 66.59K)

Fuck you, faggot. I wanted to have a nice thread.

Reki deserved to suffer

Atheists are mocked today not because they are viewed as wrong, but because their viewpoint is so obvious now that restating it is annoying.

It's kind of funny because I'm the OP he replied to and I pretty much consider myself an atheist with a very tiny sliver of doubt. But holy fucking shit, some people just cannot pass up the tiniest opportunity to shit up a thread. I mean, whining about the usage of soul? Really? Be honest, there's no good reason to get upset over that. He was just looking for an opportunity to shit up a thread. Unfortunately for me, he chose mine.

I never understood what happens when their wings turn black?

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If you committed suicide in your past life, your wings are black in this one. Rakka jumped off a building and Reiki jumped in front of a train. Pay attention to the falling / train motifs of theirs.

Attached: Haibane1.jpg (845x1200, 734.18K)

Yes that I understood, what I mean was the consequence of having black wings. Afaik they just stay there forever, which isn't so bad if you ask me.

If you commited suicide and never were able to atone for it, you stayed in purgatory forever as one of the haibane at the temple. Their wings fall off and they become normal humans who live as temple gaurdians forever. What I want to know is, what is the difference between haibane and humans in that world? Are the humans actual angels? Or are they not meant to be taken so literally?

I like to think they are being given a second chance at their old life. Considering they only seem to be able to have their day of flight when they learn and change from their experience.

>you can't forgive yourself, you can only be forgiven
That's so depressing and fair. If you have no one like Reki, you just... Stay in purgatory forever. No redemption. Japan really hates loners.