Anime on phone

>Sit on a desk chair and watch anime on a stupid pc screen
>have to download it on pc then connect it with HDMI to watch it like disgusting regular TV shows on sofa, or worse netflix
>not getting comfy under blankets and watch downloaded torrents on VLC on phone with earphones or better watch it wherever you go, job, uni, school, toilet
Have you taken the phonepill yet Zig Forums?

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My phone has its oleophobic coating all worn off so I constantly see fingerprint smudges.

yea but im not watching anime, im playing VNs on my phone.

I wish.

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>Watching 720 or 1080p on 6-inch screen

>hold phone closer to eyes
>screen is magically bigger somehow

you can stream the content from your pc/phone/etc to the tv using chromecast and control it using your phone if you really want to.

I just watch it on my monitor though because if you have one big enough, who cares about a tv?

Anime on Tv is the superior choice. This is like saying reading physical manga is inferior. Also i have tv in my bedroom.

>not streaming your anime to your phone that's casted to your TV so you can be comfy in bed without radiation in your face
lel 30yr old zoomers

This. Watching anime while getting under blanket on bed is max comfy.

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Phoneposters genocide fucking when?


Rangeban all phone networks.

I hate watching anything on my phone. Screen too fucking small.

>without radiation in your face
Nobody uses CRTs anymore for it to be worrying.

Anime are literally made for watching on TV.

>better watch it wherever you go, job, uni, school, toilet
holy fuck I cannot imagine what kind of masochist tries to watch movies or TV in public places. I don't even like watching it in a slightly noisy house. I DID watch anime on phone for all of 3 months while fixing a laptop, and I regret it and would never do it again. It's horrible, your neck aches and you can't eat properly. Be honest, you're some stupid fucking student who doesn't even have a PC.

I do it occasionally on my lunch break. Since my NAS can transcode to my phone.

i think all phoneposters should fucking kill themselves

If I ever attain superpowers, phoneposters are first on my genocide list.

I've been watching anime on mobile devices since the PSP

>thread about watching anime on a phone witrh vlc
So this is Zig Forums in 2020.

Bullshit, there is no way to comfortably watch anime on your phone in bed, either you hold it and your arms get tired or you fuck up your arms holding yourself up to look at the screen at a terrible angle on the pillow or something

Stupid faggot.
Get real.

Kill yourself, wojaktard.


I only watch "boring" anime on my phone, I find it much easier to digest this way. Also MX Player is best video app.

Phonefags have zero attention span. I'd say you need to learn to appreciate sitting down in front of a big screen TV with a bowl of pop corn turning off the lights and having an anime/movie night but you'd get bored in 5 minutes and take out your phone.

What's stopping you from using your computer while in bed?
That's how I do it.

phones are for reading manga while pretending to work.
You watch anime on your big ass screen at home that you bought with your hard earned cash