Pictures that left their mark in the anime/manga for ever

Pictures that left their mark in the anime/manga for ever.

Attached: AgniSmile.jpg (800x1258, 125.43K)

kill yourself

Attached: i love emilia.jpg (1280x720, 41.82K)

Attached: sasuke224.jpg (400x600, 53.43K)

>pictures spammed by one random who really really wants attention

There's actually at least two of us spreading the kino

Attached: 20200413_002900.jpg (942x1657, 285.9K)

kill yourself faggot

Cake suffering.

Attached: akira crying.png (1111x856, 163.89K)

Attached: fanfox.net_manga_bleach_v18_c151_1.html.png (1341x1992, 1.24M)

>The Heart

Attached: sasugay.jpg (600x1241, 43.52K)

ending was confusing

t. brainlet

Attached: 1588184197682.jpg (100x100, 19.16K)

people die when they are killed

Attached: original.jpg (1280x1280, 336.66K)


Make that 3

Attached: live.png (470x686, 37.43K)

I'll never forget this masterpiece

Attached: 1544127339107.jpg (960x3218, 310.62K)

four actually

Attached: 1495696262822.png (827x1300, 260.94K)

Actually it's at least 5

at least 6

Attached: kino_PAINters.png (1766x808, 265.91K)

no. 6 reporting in

Attached: CSM astronaut.jpg (784x1145, 258.14K)


Attached: 1587599741697.jpg (1736x2455, 701.22K)

I've also done my part

Attached: 1582463185014s.jpg (250x250, 7.72K)

Attached: 2 (1).jpg (777x1200, 469.69K)

a truly awful forced meme

Attached: 098.jpg (600x584, 6.11K)

Attached: 1572903515643.jpg (848x3840, 460.2K)

Does this count

Attached: Reiner Braun.jpg (580x589, 56.81K)


Attached: 1585524572848.jpg (800x1258, 263.82K)