CG criticism thread

Only exceptional animators can make anime look good with CG. The thing is, such animators are kind of a myth in anime industry.

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That's what happens when game companies will pay them way more and actually give them time to finish their work.

>a myth in the anime industry
Maybe when you watch inferior shows. We, chads of Zig Forums, have always had CGI specialists who make it look exactly like the anime.

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>MD Geist in MGS-like CGI animation
I can dream.

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>CG criticism thread
make petition

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That looks terrible.

CG petition?

Great, you should start making anime then.

Stop spamming the same thread every week, schizo, no one takes you seriously because your opinions are retarded.

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Cg has the ability to look good
The problem is it's typically not used to look good it's used to save time and that shows in the final product every time

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Mecha studios have kind of getting their shit together with regards to CGI within the last five years, at least.

There's plenty of examples of good CGI animation, but actually making CGI LOOK good is much more rare.

No offense but Houseki no Kuni has stiff animations. It's overrated.

>Mecha studios have
Mecha studios are*********

And then there's Honkai Impact 3rd

For every good thing Houseki did, they screwed up everything else.

CG can look acceptable at best and horribly jarring at worse.Ajin, Kengan Ashura and Dorohedoro have pretty good CG. Kingdom is good and bad in a lot of parts. Berserk 2016 was mostly bad while the movies implemented CG quite well. It really depends on the studio and the extent to which they use CG.

they are literally rocks

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Is it wrong to say that any anime with mediocre CG works is tolerable only if it's non-commercial and done by one person?

>CG can look acceptable at best
This. It will never beat traditional animation. Hell, even stop-motion is better than that.

2D animation was always better than CG though, no mater the medium, In the asthetics department anyways.

Macross Zero has uncanny CG models of the planes.

Attached: macross zero f-14.jpg (1920x1080, 140.96K)

Modern mecha CGI is like 90% effects and 10% of poor animation. You can show off things moving wildly all over the place as much as you want, but it won't ever have the appeal of actual 2D mecha animation.


Actually what the fuck happened to the anime industry? I remember that in the early 2000s anime industry was one of the best CGI users.

>*one of the tolerable CGI users
fixed that for you

I for one i am glad that c.g os taking over, most anime looks hoorible but you retards are way too blind to see it.

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CG just make them look worse.

They are forced to use 3DCG because the west pressures producers into thinking it's superior, and because animators are literally starving.
2D is dead.

That's what i'm saying, anime already looks like garbage, just put in its grave aleeady.

It's a cultural genocide.