Fuck you I liked it thread

Fuck you I liked it thread

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It was called QUALITY Code for a reason. I really tried to like it but it was just a poorly-written and poorly-animated mess. At least the music was great.

Fuck you, you're an idiot

no u

Its good and better if you read the manga please stop calling it fetish bait

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I think the soundtrack and atmosphere is really what makes the show good enough to ignore it's flaws
Also it has the best girl of all time ever

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Would have been a lot better if they didn't go to some 11yr old with crayons to animate it.

hope you watched bd version

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this, with decent animation it would have been fine

I fucking love his doujins

I thought that artist was female?

I don't know user, I just recognize the art and fap to it, I don't go beyond that

QUALITY Code may have had some production issues, but you clearly feel the soul the production staff put into it.

I could forgive fetish bait, it's just all around terrible.

Soul? It was clearly made to capitalize on big names, it was designed to be a hit. And all of that backfired.

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>rip-off Rem but give her not of the charm of the original
No wonder it flopped.

You don't have potato animation on anything designed to be a hit.

5Toubun had a lot of QUALITY

I even liked the ending

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The three generation premise was cool and Asemu and Zeheart were fun.

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I don't think you watched QUALITY code if you thought the two levels were at all comparable.

Time to trigger /m/ into a fit of autistic screeching.

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But I did

OP here. Yes I did watch the bd version. Was the animation even worse in tv version?
Also how can such mediocre series spawn such god tier wincest doujins?

Zig Forums is too brainlet to understand this series.
Only Zig Forumschads can enjoy this

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Now this is an even bigger example of a show created and designed to be a hit, but didn't turn out that way at all.


Attached: aku and luna vs earthworm.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

Berserk 2016 and 2017

This. Genuinely loved it up to around episode 15. Was mysterious and had an excellent setting in addition to the OST, atmospherer, and characters.

Attached: 02 is cute.webm (1280x720, 212.42K)