Why is she such a retard?

Why is she such a retard?

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Why are YOU such a retard?


She has a perpetually confused expression because she just watched a SHAFT show and didn't really understand it.

Fetal alcohol syndrome.


300 IQ face.

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It was nowhere near as bad as Steins;Gate 0 but it was still shit.

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I love confused Iroha because it can also pass as a disgusted expression.


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It was a great anime, I loved it.

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No way this was better than S:G 0.
I might just pick it up if so

She´s sold her soul to a ferret to save her little sister. Do you expect her to be smart?

this, pink = baka

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They got really daring on episode 8, wow.

*saves your show*

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I keep hearing people say this, but I don't see what was so bad about it. It really started picking up towards the end.

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I prefer her when she looks confused.

Iroha is so yellow...

That's her charm point, don't make fun of it.

She's japanese.

Madoka is for Eroha!

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perfect self insert for the people who watch that show

Like Akko in LWA, she's dumb and has a fat ass. Which is what all guys want.

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Reminder, madoka did nothing in the first 10 episodes

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I would fap to this image if my dick still worked

Madoka just existing is the best thing.

i want to insert in eroha

Snaa is an irrelevant little shit, while watching the show I kept forgetting that she existed.

Notice how all of those frames look like scenes from a VN or gacha game. I thought the point of taking a gacha game and making it into anime is to breathe that anime life into it. However the magia record anime was literally just a copy+paste of the game. Every shot of every character is just a close up of their face and some random bland background. Why couldn't shaft actually put the characters in locations?

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poor genetics and poor diet

Kyubey is great on delivering on his wishes!