Bow to the queen!

Bow to the queen!

Attached: 1587781463413.png (1080x648, 968.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why am I seeing Umaru posted on every board today?

Attached: you little fucker.jpg (1406x925, 650.67K)

Attached: 1556800348221.gif (500x281, 214.11K)

Attached: redditmaru.jpg (396x505, 92.68K)

Attached: 1578256072175.jpg (420x550, 32.51K)

Attached: 1586380387172.png (200x150, 46.25K)

Delet or else

Attached: umabomber.jpg (989x1136, 382.11K)

Attached: 15309371859421.jpg (1280x1280, 1.09M)

Attached: umaru is dead.jpg (480x475, 12.52K)

LOL I thought that Batman was wearing Wonder Woman's costume.

or else what?

Attached: kuh.jpg (540x296, 38.84K)

Nice one punch man glove there, subtle.

Attached: 1585156072241.gif (288x288, 141.27K)

Mars needs moms ?

Attached: KAPOW.jpg (900x600, 145.14K)

What's happening with the manga? I thought it had ended but it seems there are new chapters coming out.

Attached: abusing nugget.jpg (610x800, 85.43K)

Attached: 1557122726238.gif (500x469, 1.35M)

I wish someone would make the puchimas version of this.

Attached: 1587139098741.webm (1200x1200, 461.87K)

What the fuck is this real??

quick rundown on this Zig Forums tier image?

some gay ass image "doctors and nurses are the real heroes".
extremely memeable

What is she thinking about?

Attached: 1511196159184.png (601x714, 368.16K)

Attached: EWOiGKUU4AAF5Zk.jpg (1024x614, 88.26K)

Basically someone wanted to make a message of "Doctors and nurses are the real heroes" which is honestly a fine moral really, but all the people doing it can't really seem to do it well. They think the only way to praise the "real" heroes is by being dismissive of the fake ones. It all comes off as a bit heavy handed. I'm all for giving them the respect they deserve but you don't have to do this groveling shit.

Attached: wtfitt.jpg (680x671, 16.87K)

>Zig Forums invades Zig Forums

It's so fucking cringe. It doesn't get any less cringey the more I see it.

No black nurse? Yikes, it's 2020 for fuck's sake.