
Just finished the 27 volumes and wanted to discuss, what do you think of it?

It was pretty fun overall, and the art became ridiculously insane at some point.
Abigail best boy by the way.

The author really loved taking forever or some things tough, the amount of time taken for Konron and Uriel to finally die was freaking ridiculous.
And what's up with having a timeskip, get to the fight with those two, then suddenly go back to before the timeskip to continue the fight with Porno Dianno? The hell?

The sudden switch from battles between humans, with a "god of destruction" being merely manmade, then suddenly angels, god and devils appears out of nowhere and steals all the spotlight was a bit weird.

At first it looked like they were taking way too long on this Konron fodder, but then it grew up into a way bigger deal than the demon lords so I guess it didn't feel like it was for nothing. Has the author mentionned how much content there is still to cover? He really needs to get less ridiculous with some scenes, the amount of pages uses for the destruction of Uriel's giant form was plain silly. I guess he burnt out in the end, which isn't surprising.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's hard to discuss Bastard!! on Zig Forums since it is far too based for the majority of the board to care about.

Also the fact that's it's in hiatus hell.

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>what do you think of it?
If the fucking author wasn't wanking 24/7 and wanted to release a story, by now this manga would've ended.
Instead we are stalled on hiatus with a wanker that's just bent onto baiting coomers with remade bigger tits&asses through kanzenban.

I’ve checking on google and it’s weirdly hard to find stuffs about the series. The title being so simple seems to be the main problem, I’m constantly redirected to that manwa with the same title. Even the wikia seems very incomplete holy shit. I guess it’s because it’s an older series.

I checked a bit around and found this.
> Apparently, the drafts for several arcs were lost, so Hagiwara just skipped ahead. Volume 18 ends with DS fighting Porno Diano and a bizarre interlude with a host of angels watching the gates of Hell break open. Volume 19 jumps ahead 4 years with DS and the Angels battling the Demons. The missing arcs were finally being released by 2010.
How the fuck does that even happens. So it’s not just the fight with Porno Dianna but multiple arcs that happens before the Uriel fight that are gonna come out? No wonder the timeskip felt felt so damn weird’

The inconsistent quality of scans and the Viz releases and OVA's being long out-of-print don't help matters either. Nor does the fact that the series itself barely gets any rep in Jump crossovers, if at all.

The story time threads we had here a short while ago finally got me around to reading/re-reading the volumes I have. Got done with Volume 18 today and it's been a hell of a ride. It's also a nice spirit lifter after completing Devilman for the first time. The opening Hosts of Shadows arc is easily the weakest part of the manga, but once you get to the first timeskip it really picks up, and gets outright insane with the second Anthrax battle the Angel reveal. The fact that the manga is the major inspiration for Guilty Gear makes it extra based.

Best boy is Lars

DS Gaara and Arshes are in Jumputi at least

Occasional reminder to listen to Accept.

DS' name is a pretty clever allusion to Accept's most iconic frontman, second only to Porno Diano's for Iron Maiden's first

Shame the writing got worse as the art got better. It's a final fantasy tier fuckfest by the time you get to the Angel/Demon war.

The story still seems decent to me but the pacing gets massively fucked. I can't imagine having to read through the whole arc with Uriel while it was being released.

The writing just improved for me. The beginning was a rather average, but fun, 80's fantasy manga with cute heavy metal references thrown in. The post-Anthrax revival though really brought out the Devilman influence and expanded on the manga's mythology while still keeping its sense of fun and humour. It's chuuni-as-fuck, but isn't as overbearing about it unlike most chuunishit. In other words: fucking metal

Are we unironically supposed to read through some of the endless explanation text of some demons/angels.whatever? Shit reminded me of the ridiculously long pseudo scientific explanations in Gunnm Last Order.

I was about to mention Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske being referenced in Bastard!! but then I remembered that was Guilty Gear and not Bastard!!. I wish I had saved the pic someone posted of a page in Bastard!! of who I'm pretty sure was Kall Su where he looked identical to Ky Kiske. If I didn't know it was from Bastard!! I would have just assumed it was GG fan/tribute art.

Also still waiting on someone to make a wiki page of all the musical references in Bastard!!.


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the manga's fucking dead and never coming back

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When was the last time this got updated anyway?


Kai Hansen was referenced at least, with Kai Harn, the second of Arshes generals with the Wolverine hair.

>I wish I had saved the pic someone posted of a page in Bastard!! of who I'm pretty sure was Kall Su where he looked identical to Ky Kiske. If I didn't know it was from Bastard!! I would have just assumed it was GG fan/tribute art.
Not to mention Ky himself has Lars' outfit.
>Also still waiting on someone to make a wiki page of all the musical references in Bastard!!.
The Bastard wiki in general could use a shit ton of updates.

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TL when?

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>Lucifer the shota that btfod some angels and evaporated
>Lucifer that Michael is constantly thinking about
>funny handstand Satan
>Satanael from Uriel's flashbacks
>giga Satan from black hole
Are these all the same? Pretty sure handstand Satan referred to himself as Lucifer while infodumping

What is this? The unused doujin?

Ah, it was Lars. There was a full page of Lars looking exactly like Ky Kiske but I won't be able to find it because searching for Lars from Bastard!! means half the results are for Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards.

Would have been nice if there were more German Thrash Metal references in Bastard!! but whatever.

Man, it still pisses me off a bit that Hagiwara just fucked off from Bastard!!. Especially since we were finally getting to filling in the missing story between the timeskip.


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I think OP bailing on the storytime threads sucked.
>He really needs to get less ridiculous with some scenes
Wouldn't be Bastard!! without insanely detailed spreads.
Problem is Hagiwara just burned through his health because he wanted to do high quality drawing all the time while sleeping like one hour a day, now he's reaching his sixties and he's a wreck physically, happens to most of mangakas with a fetish for detail, at some point they just burn out and stop giving a damn, see Inoue or Katsura.
>but then I remembered that was Guilty Gear and not Bastard!!
What if I told you Guilty Gear is just Bastard!!

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For what its worth, though (and... this being Hagiwara, its worth dogshit), there's an interview from last year or two years ago where Hagiwara talks about continuing Bastard!! as a light novel. And just throwing in illustration pages here and there in the novel. Making it less effort for him.

And he tweeted early last year about working on a Bastard!! prequel manga.

Buuuuut. Hagiwara being a lazy fuck makes it low probability these'll pan out.

Arshes Nei is best girl!

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Not fucked off but he essentially reached a dead end art and writing wise and can't keep up with the demand like he used to due to his declining health. He's now trying to continue the series via LNs after Kazenban 10 is released but much like the Expansion 03 doujin that was eventually released three years back after being promised a decade prior we have no idea how long it'll take.

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Did the user who was storytiming the series stop?

He's still doing the kanzenbans? Wow. 9 came out a decade ago.

Also, pic attached is the prequel thing referenced here

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Nei should do something about her daddy complex.
>tfw Monroe appears in several covers or spreads in the manga but never as an actual character
Goddamn, if only Hagi didn't lose all his material, he took it a lot better than Shirow though.

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