Victorique is mad at you, user

Victorique is mad at you, user.
You really should apologize.

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yaa gomen gomen~

What did I do?

I'm sorry Victorica.

Sorry that I went to see a movie with Avril and we had rough sex with after, Victorique.

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I'll throw this toddler in the trash instead.

Well if you weren’t such a tsundare all the time I might not have done it. Avril is just so nice and kind to me and she let me see her cunny. I’m sorry you have daddy issues but that’s no excuse!

So mean

I'm sorry Victorique, I promise I will rewatch your anime this decade, s-soon.

She won't let me see her cunny so I ignored her all day long

Victorique is very shy, so she won't show anything lewd like that. However, she's willing to show you her feet.

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I really like this image.

Save it, it's all yours my friend. Here's another.

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Thank, Grevil.

Never ever

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What am I looking at? Does this have to do with the detective agency they start in America?

>the pic is drawn exactly so that the sole of her foot is out of the frame

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Seriously I get that this is a historical anime, but there is zero fanservice. How’d they do it?

tfw no needy gothloli gf who smells of pipe tobacco all the time

Are goth lolis the original lolis? I mean, didn’t the term lolita originate with this style?

I think they didn't want to tarnish Victorique's mystique by showing her lightly dressed or even naked.

>I mean, didn’t the term lolita originate with this style?
Absolutely not. The term originated with Vladimir Nabokov's book, Lolita, where it's a nickname for a girl named Dolores.

I get that and I’m sorta glad there was no lewding of Victorique. But we could have had at least had some Avril service. Closest we got was the costume she wore at the Christmas party.


It's been years user, can't we finally have peace?

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Don't mind me
Just testing

I was actually upset when she disguised herself by dyeing her hair silver

Knowing Victorique, it's probably for stupid reason like not being allowed to take three different chairs along with a trip.

blah blah something chaos blah blah something order blah blah