25 chapters in and frankly disappointed. I don't like the feminist and lesbian undertones

25 chapters in and frankly disappointed. I don't like the feminist and lesbian undertones

Attached: Hakumei-to-Mikochi.jpg (690x1000, 1.17M)

Other urls found in this thread:


... What?

>the feminist and lesbian undertones
picked up

have sex
same,looks cute

Was thinking about watching/reading this, how bad are they?

Man if that all it takes to upset you how do you even survive.

I didn't read the manga but the anime is perfect, I really hope that OP is just baiting.

It's bad bait from a retarded newfag who feels the need to make everything about twitter politics.

Thank god

Attached: 1588094490589.gif (540x360, 748.2K)

Tiny little thread

Attached: Hakumei-header.png (768x432, 577.47K)

why? you could have easily been born a lesbian.

>feminist and lesbian undertones

This should've been the OP.

They have jobs

This story's female characters aren't unlikable,
but I could never bring myself to like stories that are too feminist.

You aren't born a carpet muncher, it's an aquired taste. It's not like being a nigger.

>an aquired taste
Half way accurate way to put it. True lesbians are extremely rare, most "lesbians" alive right now have fucked men and will fuck them again later in life, they're just on a pussy game rn. The real dyed in the wool dyke unicorns are pretty much all childhood sexual abuse victims who manifested a fear of dick, nothing special.

It's good and there's no actual sexuality, not even implied, only what your mind brings to it. If you showed it to someone from 1900 they'd think they were close friends and that's it; the mangaka does obviously intend that someone reading to see a lesbian LTR can see that too though.

Why is this thread still here? Why are you posting in it?

Are they gay?

None at all. This either bait or OP posted the wrong picture

Tiny little rugmunchers.

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>lesbian undertones
Hakumei and Mikochi claim they're just good friends, but side characters sometimes confuse them as a couple. Not hard to see why they would get that impression. Hakumei is like the masculine blue-collar "husband", while Mikochi is like the feminine "wife" who cooks and sews. They happily live together and never show interest in dating men. Something about their friendship just gives off /u/ vibes.

>feminist undertones
This one is hard to elaborate, but you just know it when you see it. So I wasn't surprised when I saw feminists giving this series glowing praise. It simply has the type of female characters they would approve of.

Attached: HtM.png (610x405, 452.69K)

>This one is hard to elaborate, but you just know it when you see it.
Are you gonna backup your claims or not?

>smearing a pure potato manga
How does Zig Forums do it?

Of course not. He's just here to shitpost. The ones going to stupid website to find things whine about always are.

imagine going through 25 chapters with many a different character and stories just to sieve all that into finding out whether the character is gay or not

Is it normal to have a crush on Mikochi? She somehow has a naturally seductive air. I find her mature, feminine personality extremely sexy.

Attached: 1517442501793.jpg (1920x1080, 258.24K)

Don't worry it's normal.

What happen to the translation

>liking a feminist propaganda
Zig Forums basically Twitter at this point