Kallen vs Suzaku

Who was the better pilot in the end?

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Suzaku from what I remember

Kallen is a shit character. Who the fuck thought making her another bitch lusting for lel was a good idea? She had a goal to make her mom happy but then she was just reduced to another love interest without personality

Suzaku. But Kallen is pretty strong too.

Suzaku, no question about it. Suzaku won 4 times against her (Shinjuku, Narita, SAZ & 1st Black Rebellion) whereas Kallen only beat him once (at 2nd Black Rebellion). However if we are being fair, only even match they had that ended conclusively was the 1st Black Rebellion. At Shinjuku it was Glasgow vs Lancelot with massive tech disadvantage, both Narita & SAZ ended prematurely to be telling and at 2nd Black Rebellion the massive tech disadvantage was in Kallen's favor. 1st Black Rebellion was the only time when they fought with even tech, were equally motivated to win, were not tired from fighting other aces and were not interrupted until the result was clear.
And that result was Suzaku wrecking Kallen in 1v1 duel until Zero stopped him from executing Kallen.

>b-but muh Damocles
Kallen barely managed to tie against Suzaku in superior Knightmare after Suzaku had already fought multiple aces (Xingke, Todoh, Gino) despite only fighting against mooks & C.C. herself and still would have died if not Gino ex Machina.

Suzaku also has lot more performance record against other pilots

Todoh & 4 jobbers
4 Knights of the Rounds (Gino, Monica, Dorothea & Bismarck)
Did not get rekt by Xingke

1 Knights of the Rounds & his mooks
Jobbes hard against Xingke

In the last batle Kallen even had like 2x better knightmare.

Always Kallen tbqh

only fags and cuckolds would disagree

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Suzaku, like you've been relentlessly told for more than 10 years

She's still not going to fuck you even if you whiteknight for her Gino

Probably Suzaku for most of the series but right near the end Kallen, surpassed him.

Suzaku even says it himself, that with Lancelot Albion AND Lelouch's live geass, Kallen was still trashing him in the final fight. She landed the final blow and if she'd had the energy filler, it would have been a clean victory.

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>Suzaku even says it himself
You are one very gullible person, I'm sorry to say.

And if not for Gino she would have fallen to her death, see why you are wrong

>I can't beat her, even using this geass I'm cursed with, your strength is unimaginable Kallen!
The man says it himself, sub and dub.

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suzaku, by the end of the series, but Kallen still got better after. Kallen won the last battle because suzaku was fighting gino and a lot of people before, so her mecha was in a better shape. She only had to fight CC after all

Yes, we're all aware of that.

Who had the better machine?


it was Kallen, she defeated him when we was at full power without faking it (he said so himself) DESPITE the fact he was under an extremely powerful Geass.
Kallen won against Geassed Suzaku and that's an hard fact.

It was on purpose you tard.

that literally doesn't matter, she still won the fight even if she died afterwards, falling to her death.

Thank you, speedwatcher.

>speedwatcher Kallenfags accusing others of speedwatching
Like a pottery

>battle ends in tie
>Suzaku survives, Kallen falls to her death

losing was on purpose, but he actually had to fight her seriously with the intent of winning and killing her (that's why the Geass activates during all the fight because he's getting pushed back), she still beat him despite that, he wasn't faking it at the end.

reminder the Geass cancels even Lelouch's non-Geass orders, so Lelouch placed a "live" Geass on him, and because the Geass is always active in the fight, Suzaku CANNOT lost even if he wants to.
so that means she really did win against him and Suzaku's Geass managed to keep him alive before ejecting or leaving the Lancelot.

she "would" have if Gino wasn't there, but she's not Geassed compared to Suzaku, she didn't lose the knightmare battle and the outcome of the pilots literally don't matter if we're talking about this battle...

Suzaku is the better pilot, better character, better VA, just better all around.

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The Guren was much stronger than the Lancelot at the end of the show because Lloyd upgraded it when Kallen was captured.

He still had to try even though he was much stronger than her, if he just stood there then it would have: 1) been obvious and; 2) she could have just stabbed him.

The geass activated simply because it was a fight to the death.

so was the Lancelot in all the rest of the episodes but he couldn't defeat her once and taking her prisoner.

The geass activated simply because it was a fight to the death.

indeed but it also means Lelouch last order was overwritten by the "live" Geass, so he still fought with all his strength, normally the Geass would have made him kill Kallen (like when it made him FREYA'd Tokyo) but he couldn't.


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You'd have to put them both in an ordinary Glasgow or Sutherland to find out.

Lancelot got energy wings too, they were equal.