One Piece

Imagine how creepy it would be if Hancock and Luffy's genders were reversed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I've seen American Beauty, it doesn't bother me.

It'd be like Sanji if he focused on a single woman but less horny

It would still be funny

better res

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OP bros...

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imagine how fucked up cooking would be if instead of salt we used arsenic

Why is Zoro such a boring character compared to the other Strawhats?

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whose the tenth ship captain? is it Kuzan?

Who will show up at the end to steal Kaido’s fruit?

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Good Morning

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Because you have shit taste, Sanjifag.

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so is luffy the reincarnation of joyboy?

Shiki, in his return to canon

No, Vivi is

Im hoping that its Gin, but its probably a new character, and i doubt BB would give such a high position to Aokiji

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Wouldn’t be that creepy.
Would hit the demo that loves one peace even harder in the cooter too.


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would be cool
I feel like if Gin is gonna make an appearance at all it'd be on Kaido’s crew and its hard to say, Blackbeard is fate fate driven and I could see him letting Kuzan run a ship

is cute, but won't fuck Luffy

cracker triplets a cute!

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Carrotfags are unironically retarded user, give him a break

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Proves my point over this crackship.

Soulless fans/Refugees from Bleach/DB/retards
>Carrot can't join because muh numbers she don't fulfill specific role she needs her own arc and flashback she...
True fans
>Carrot just wants to go for an adventure with friends

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Good Morning

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Kaido's son wields the legendary mythical logia: Bee Bee Fruit

That's pretty ironic considering I mostly see Carrotfags arguing about "muh we saw her flashback in present time" and "muh the 9th and 10th".

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rent free

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>"EVERYONE THAT DOESNT LIKE MY SHITTY WAIFU IS *Insert group that i dont like here*"
Seek medical treatment

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Zoro is pretty interesting after the timeskip to me, but okay. Have fun.

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ok patterncuck

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sure she would
what red blooded woman wouldn't

I didn't even say I support patterns but just called you out on your hypocrisy, but if you wanna ignore arguments and go towards name calling like a sanafag, then okay.

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Neither Carrot Or Vivi are joining, Caribou's already the 11th Strawhat

Based, Carrot should go on an adventure with her friends Wanda and Shishillan. Too bad the SHs are busy with yonko stuff tho so they can't join.

carrotcoomers are the bane of this general

But then who is Joy Boy the reincarnation of?

>Still kicking ass
You guys really want me to post this shit in every thread huh?!

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hasnt been challenged or push enough yet
only god knows why oda isn't doing so with the fightfag character when he provides the best moments in the series under pressure

Brulee deserves to be happy

>Soulless fans/Refugees from Bleach/DB/retards
>>Carrot can't join because muh numbers she don't fulfill specific role she needs her own arc and flashback she...
my sides

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But she prefers staying with the Straw Hats than Shishilian

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Brook shouldn't be able to carry Carrot over water. It'd make him too heavy.

>Show up 800 chapters into the story
>Nice manga you've got there, I think I'll join the main characters
>Oh No. My mentors dying wish was that I help you guys
>Oh well, When are you changing the opening theme to include me?

me too

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>they've lost it

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He's just THAT fast.

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Dare I say, btfo?

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cannot fucking wait for wano to end so this carrot shitposting can at least change if not stop

Damage control is the only thing they can do after the real lookout of the crew, Usopp did the job correctly and took out the enemies around him this chapter.

Oh you naive little boy. Maybe it will decrease but whether she joins or not the shitposting will never stop user.

>usopp coming climbing up/coming down from the crows nest in the same panel

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you mean he did his job as gunner

Considering how the word "Lookout" isn't even a canonical role in the manga, its safe to assume they're the same thing in this case.

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oh i know but at least it should go from carrotfags and anti-carrot fags constantly throwing shit to the winning side gloating for months with the losers fucking off forever, right?

>gloating for months
Not really. If she doesn't join its a few days or 1-2 weeks at best. Just imagine a Rebeccafag/Camiefag 2.0.